Help me understand .22lr elevator rear sights!


New member
Finally got my windage checked and set on my 1961 Remmy 552 [older leaf-spring rear sight: not newer sliding block design]. Then I began to dial the rifle in for height also. [if you have contributed to this query on rimfirecentral, thanks! I did ask there also. I am trying to cast as broad of a net as possible. Owner's manual isn't helpful on this.]

Noticed that my rifle seems to shoot low.

Maybe I am not 'getting' the purpose of the spring rear sight with slotted elevator?

maybe I am not understanding what distance these rifles are supposed to be sighted in at?

I was inside my indoor range today [25 yard distance] and couldn't get the rifle to do what I thought it was supposed to be doing.

based on ballistics charts, I was trying to get a 'zero' distance of around 60 yards with the iron sights. I like the flatness of the trajectory out to around 75 yards, and most of my shooting would be before 75 yards anyway.

I was indoors, at a 25 yard range.

Based on the ballistics charts, I would have to have the sights dead on the bullseye at 25 yards, and have the rounds landing around .65" high [for my ammo] to achieve a 60 yard zero.

Since 25 yards is about the closest I thought I'd ever fire a rifle at something, I started with the rear sight as low as possible.

POI was TOO low.

Moved the elevator to bring the rear sight up a notch.

Still too low.

Moved the elevator to bring the rear sight up another notch.

Still too low.

On the 3rd notch I was getting my rounds to impact around 2-2.5" below the bullseye.

This means my POI was around 3" lower than it should have been for what I wanted to accomplish.


Not so fast.

I would [ideally] like the rear sight to actually be an adjustable sight that is USEFUL for more than one distance.

As I keep lifting the rear sight to get my 25 yard POI where I want it, I lose the ability to do that later on.

What if I want to use my rear sight [elevated] to try to hit something at 150 yards [iron/wooden targets: no hunting, so no concern with clean kill]?

This was true of both my Remmy 552 and my Mossy 346K [except mossy was about 4" low].

So, my real concern: am I NOT understanding the use of the rear sight?

Am I supposed to keep the elevator so far back that the rear sight is at [or near] maximum extension for the 25 yard distance and THEN back it down for longer distances?

Or, am I right in that I need to put a shorter front sight on to make my elevator position #2/#3 [almost lowest] actually hit .5" above bullseye at 25 yards?

Something is wrong [and it is probably me].

Any help would be appreciated.
Are both the front and rear sights original for that rifle?

Let someone else shoot it. If it's the same for him, you're not the problem.

You may have to bite the bullet and put a lower front sight on it.
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Remington: i think so.bought it used 3 months ago.

Mossberg: no. Bought it 6 months ago. No rear sight. Bought rear from Havlin, who matched it to something like a s134 or something. But def not factory installed.
Seems to me you need a front sight that's lower, so you can use the first notch in the rear sight as your 50 foot zero and second one for about 25 yards.

The best option is to get a receiver sight installed, since the front sight may be high enough to utilize one. Receiver sights are accurate to well over 100 yards.

If your eyes are good enough, receiver sights are excellent on .22LRs, since they're mounted lower than a scope, so the bullet doesn't have to rise as much a scope center, so the bullet strikes, from 50 feet to almost 50 yards are very close to the sight line. That where much small game shots and plinking takes place. From there, it's just a matter of holdover. It's easier to hold over a target with receiver sights, since visibility isn't impeded by a rear blade, as with open sights.
Front sight it os. Enougj trouble with eues focaldistane (age) and astigmatism. New font sigh: dial it in. Then some optics to make my eyes happier. Want iron sights that work for a backup.