Help me remember the name of this mysterious "cartridge"


New member
A few years back I stumbled up on an interesting device that came to me as a kit.
In the kit was the chosen cartridge (several options were available at the time, I chose the .303 British), a die that resized 000 buckshot and I think a push rod.

This cartridge had an offset hole for a .22 nail gun cartridge and the buckshot would be pressed into the case mouth.

I fired this a few times, but I don't remember if I chronographed the results. I do remember it was fairly quiet but blasted that 000 through the 2x4 I was aiming at, with accuracy too.

Does anyone know the name of these kits?
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Well now, sometimes a shot-in-the-dark does (though seldomly) pay off.
You're spot on BillM, as well as asset to this site (and I'm sure to our community in general). Your answer likely spared me hours in research.

Thank you!
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