HELP ME PLEASE (in distress)!

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Big Tom

New member
Ok so I just turned off my computer, used the bathroom and began to walk upstairs when all of the sudden I hear what sounds like a my front door knob turning as if someone is trying to enter my house. In a state of shock I accidently shout out "WHOA!" At once the sound stops and my heart is beating faster than it ever has. I quietly ran to my fathers room to find he is dead asleep. And even when I make noise he's not getting up. So I ran to the window checked, got my loaded shotgun and slowly and quietly advanced downstairs. Suprisingly I am not shaking but cold sweat kicked in. I need but remove the safety and I am very scared. I got 4 in the tube, 1 in chamber and am freaked out idk if I should call the cops or not or just wait. If someone comes in shoot them to hell. But it stopped idk what to do HELP!
UPDATE: called county, did another floor sweep, woke up the old man. All outside lights activated, guns locked and loaded!
if u dont hear from me u no y. Shaking kicking in. As I turned on the lights a black pick up gunned it. *** IS GOING ON HERE? WHERE ARE THE COPS?
ok the cops are here my dad is talking to them now. Thank you Jesus! The gun is still next to me, idk if I can go to sleep 2nite!
ok, ok its over now guys. my neighbor was drunk and tried to enter the wrong home...MY HOME! When he sobers up tomorrow I am going to let him no exactly how close he was to being shot! SERIOUSLY NOT COOL! My heart hurts now, and I am light headed, when I get over excited my adrenaline kicks in and I can control my breathing properly. VERY DIZZY!
Its a terrible idea to go over to your neighbors house and tell him how you were going to shoot him last night.

What good would come of that?
idk Im jsut angry my heart is still pounding out of my chest, cut me some slack I was watching a vid about a guy breaking into a home and killing someone last week. What do you think was in my head. I dont even know I am shaking like a rattle snake.
Multiple posts of the same thread in more than one forum is a spamming technique.

As I said in the other thread, this is a bulletin board, not 911.
Big Tom, so how do you think your ability to make good decisions, and if worse came to worse, your ability to put a shot where it needed to be and not into somewhere or someone else, would have been last night in the midst of a major adrenaline dump and associated shaking and freaking out would have been?

Please understand this is not a slam of any sort, but rather an observation and a legitimate question. Having gone through this episode of having a drunk rattle the doorknob, you may have a better idea of what to expect from your own particular system regarding involuntary response when something unexpected happens. You may want to discuss a plan with your dad, or take a class, etc. I would in all seriousness also suggest putting a tag on the shotgun to remind yourself to call 911 when you pick it up. Did you have a good light handy? Was there a cell phone handy in case this was real and the lines were cut?

Seriously, if the question, which you posed here in the first post, is whether you should call the cops or not or just wait and shoot them to hell if they come in, there is no thought and no plan in place. Just a post on the internet about shooting somebody all to hell, which could have come back to haunt you if it would have gone bad.

I predict lots of posts followed by an eventual lock, but this could be of benefit to you in some future episode. I hope so anyway. Glad this one turned out to be nothing, and best wishes. Lessons like this always have opportunities for growth and betterment if you are open to them.
Big Tom,
Since you asked for help and advice, here's my two cents.

First, I have a hard time believeing that you found time to post during what you described as someone attempting to enter your home. All these melodramatic posts you make about being so fightened....and yet you repeatedly run back to the computer to "keep us updated"???

Either you were not really as afraid as you let on and just wanted some attention, or you have a very poor way of dealing with urgent, stressful matters.

If you're just a small kid, or somebody in their early teens, these posts can more easily be understood and excused. If, however, you're 18 or above and you acted this have some serious issues. From what you've written, that's NOT how to handle a possible home invasion.

You couldn't wake your father???? So, if the house was on fire, you could not have woke him up????

You're so afraid that you feel physically ill, yet you are composed enough to post on a forum? You posted repeatedly about your physical condition and how you felt. Why?

Lot's more I could say, but I don't want to seem harsh to you. You should most certainly invest some time and money into getting some qualified instruction from someone who can teach you, at the very least, some basic and rudimentary skills for better dealing with events like what you claim had just happened to you.

Bottom line....if someone is trying to get into your house, call 911, gun up if you have a weapon and stay put somewhere in your home that you feel is safe until the police arrive.

Oh, and in case you didn't know this either, put the weapon down before you answer the door.
If this episode is true you are to emotionally unbalanced to own guns, if its not true you are to immature to own guns.. A normal response to someone at the door is to see who it is not to barracade yourself in with firearms and call the police...

Ya I am going to take some courses now. No I had no flashlight, woulda came in handy. We had a game plan but we never took in the consideration of the what if's. That was my fault, I may have been a litttle too naive to think home defense would be a walk in the park. I am friends with 2 cops from another county, and one state trooper. Also friends with a blackhawk Pilot and a few guys in the Air Force. MAybe I can have them help me and teach me. Its free and these guys are pros at what they do. I didn't expect myself to panic like that. I am ashamed as to how affraid I was. ridiculous! The cops took like 20 minutes to get here its ridiculous that it took that long when their 2 miles away from my house!

Terry A, Inhimwelive,

Let me Start by saying ouch, harsh! And If I had no gun and it was a robber or someone out to get me then what? I run like screaming child cowering in the corner and wait to be brutally murdered? NO! Not gonna happen! And My computer is approximently 10 feet away from the back entrance and I had the gun 1 foot away from me if they came in. I can put up a picture diagram so you can better understand it if you'd like. I had a sofa in front of me so I could get cover if they broke in. So ya. And my dad DID get up when I did a 2nd floor sweep! He got his gun and waited for the cops so I came back to the computer and stayed their (to cover the back) while I was typing. ALSO if he tried to come around back he'd have to go up the steps of my deck. And every board on that deck makes very loud creeks. So I was able to post yes. AND YES this really happend. Seems like I always have the bad luck. Since I've been alive in my 20 years their have been 3 robberies and 1 home invasion that I have experienced. 1 robery at gun point, the other 2 at knife point, also their was another time where a guy chased me with a gun, and then coming home to find the front door wide opened and robbed. Also the one guy with the knife who robbed me went to prison and I spoke against him in court. He got out and said he was coming for me. SO ya like I said cut me some slack here. Do you have burglers targeting you for death? I DO!

Thats really messed up! I was scared for my life. Also not very mature of you to say. So shows as much on your part. I never touched drugs EVER! NEVER WILL!


Tom if you are age 20 you are simply put very immature.. You do not have the maturity to be handling firearms unsupervised.. If I read this and your age was not posted I would assume you are 12-13 years old.. You asked if someone was really breaking in then what? Well wake your father and let him handle it.. I am not trying to bash you but this is a serious matter.. Innocent people die when people over react out of fear etc..
As Bud Helms said earlier, this a bulletin board not 911. As the old saying goes, "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away." I wonder if we now have to include, "When seconds count, your contacts on an internet BB may be hours away - especially at 0 dark thirty in the morning!"

Big Tom - no one posting here was too harsh on you (with the possible exception of Yge) considering what you allegedly did and how you handled the alleged situation. Think about it a little and you should come to the same conclusion.

This one is done.
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