help me identify this old rifle

Hey guys. I need help identifying this old rifle. These pictures are all I have on it. My buddy found it in the basement of the house he just bought.



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Arisaka. A fairly common rifle brought home as war trophies by Marines in WWII. I own one as well. My grandfather was a Marine in WWII and brought home the one I currently have in my possession. It's value isn't monetarily high today but if yours, like mine, has a story behind it, it's sentimental value is priceless.

They're more sought after if its chrysanthemum hasn't been filed down like a lot of the surrendered rifles were. The Japanese did that because the presence of it denoted that it was property of the imperial Japanese emperor. If you cross reference the kanji on the top of the action it will tell you what type arisaka it is. Looks like a type 99 but I'm not an expert.

The one I have I've thought about having cleaned up and brought back to functioning condition. It malfunctioned in the hands of the Japanese soldier who used it and that is why my grandfather stuck around long enough to have kids and see his grand kids. My grandfather's first shot was deflected by the stocks on the front of the arisaka. The arisaka attempted to return fire but failed to function and my grandfather connected with the second. I don't know if I want this rifle functioning again. The irony and tragedy of me somehow being maimed, injured, or killed by it would haunt me daily. I don't think I want to stir up the past so to speak.
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Sure looks like a Type 38 long rifle in relic condition.

I don't think I would try to restore it as it has a certain flavor as-is that would definitely find a buyer. You may also want to consider donating it to a local museum for a WWII display as it's got that abandoned rifle look to a battlefield relic.
