Help Me Find A Holster 4" Xd9 Service


I'm having trouble finding a left side holster for my 4" XD9 service. I really want something that has a tight profile so I can use it for CC. I have been looking at the Black Hawk CQC but can't find a left hand model. I like the trigger guard lock feature and how the index finger releases it. Just seems much more natural -vs- a thumb style. I would even consider an IWB style.

Just wonder if anyone can give me some suggestions and possibly model #'s and steer me in the right direction as to where I can look at and get one.


This is a pic of my XD45 Service in a #43 by FIST. It fits both the XD Service and the XD9SC with the difference being the barrel sticks out on the 45 (Pic) but does not on the SC. Note that the #43 will work both as an IWB or an OWB holster and, in my experience, performs well in either case. FIST will make this holster as a left handed model too. I recommend it highly.