Help Iowa Become Shall Issue


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With just two weeks left for Governor Culver to sign Senate File 2379, anti-gun forces are actively urging Governor Culver to VETO the bill. Senate File 2379 would make Iowa a “shall issue” carry state and would require Sheriffs to issue an Iowa Permit to Carry Weapons to all applicants, unless they are subject to certain specific disqualifiers. Senate File 2379 was a huge victory for gun owners in the Hawkeye State but it won’t become law without the Governor’s support.

Please contact Governor Culver TODAY and respectfully urge him to sign this important pro-gun legislation into law. You can email him from this website:

You can also call the Governor's office at 515-281-5211.

Folks, we are almost at the finish line. We are two weeks away from a drop dead date. If Governor Colver decides to NOT sign this bill, it will automatically die, and we are back to square one. The Governor MUST hear from you, even if you've already contacted him once. Or twice. Let your voice be heard, and let him know that you expect him to sign this important piece of legislation into law!

This Bill contains a provision that would honor all out of state permits so please call or write now!
I was born in Iowa quite a few years ago. I just sent a letter to the governor. I'd like to go back to visit, but don't do business in states that don't issue CCW permits on a fair and square basis and honor my Colorado permit.