Help identifying a military rear sight please.


New member
The sight in the attached photos was in a box given to me by a retired Army MSGT many years ago. His son and I worked together at that time.
I have no Idea what it is from or whether it is of interest to those that value militaria.
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
I have more photos that I can e-mail to anyone needing more.

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I want to say it looks like a rear sight off an FN-FAL-type rifle, but I'm just not sure.

When you say you got it years ago, can you give an estimate as to what year you received it? That will help eliminate some possibilities.
Approximated date of 1985. sight is about 4" tall and 1.25" wide at base.

I doubt that this SGT would have any foreign made parts. He was devoutly American and equally "buy American"

From it's appearance, I'd say it was likely a belt-fed machinegun of some description; you can see that it was meant to drift into a dovetail cutout, and it has large knob for flipping the sight up, meaning it would normally be stowed folded.
Thank you Powderman and all others that helped.
I did google M60 & did see photos of an m60 with that sight on it.

Glad the mystery was solved.

"Perhaps from a 1917 Browning water cooled .30 MG?"

Not even close, Johnny.

Far too short.

The rear sight on the 1917 a folding latter, but was at least 4" long, square across the top, and was calibrated, IIRC, to at least 3,500 yards.
Had I but thought - -

Mike, don't know why I didn't at least take a glance at the max range on that sight. I once worked for a salty old attorney who, as a youngster, had used the heavy Brownings in Italy. He told of carefully siting guns on a mountainside and taking German positions under fire at nearly two miles. Said it worked rather well until the enemy located their site and reciprocated with artillery . . . . :(