Help identifying 2 colt revolvers


Hi, all,

I recently acquired 2 Colt revolvers and would appreciate anyone who can provide any details. My best guess is that they're both model 1862 Navy, but I'm no expert. The serial numbers are 125077 and 44264. I've post them on Youtube due to the size of the files:

1851 Navy.
1862 Navy has the round barrel and "creeping" rammer of the 1860 Army.

Close clear pictures of all markings will tell more.
Many thanks, jackmoser65! Can you tell me if all the parts look original and un-refinished? I'm no expert on antique guns, but the frame, cylinder and barrel don't seem to match the rest of the gun aesthetically...
Would need better pics but it looks like the whole thing has been refinished. The good news is that it looks like they did a pretty decent job at it.
Both 1851s; both heavily refinished in modern hot blue, even on receiver and loading lever which were originally case hardened in colors. Brass straps shined up a lot, too.

44264 made 1855
125077 made 1862
Assuming they are real period Colts. I see none of the proof marks of modern copies.