I was at the range yesterday with my shooting partner. We both have Ruger GP100 .357mag. We were shooting some .38sp lead semi-wadcutters with no issue. We switched to some hand loaded (by me) .357mag JHP winchester bullets. The guy in the lane next to us pointed out that there were bits of the what appeared to be the jacket all around the floor where we were shooting. We tried to figure out whether it was my gun or my partner's to no avail. We soon ran out of my reloads and went back to the .38sp without seeing any lead shavings. Why would we see it with the reloaded JHPs but not the .38sp lead semi's? Could it just be the reloaded bullets or do you think one of our cylinder's is not lining up exactly with the barrel? Any suggestions on how we can figure this out would greatly appreciated
- Neil
- Neil