help glock 30 or 1991 commander


looking into buying a glock 30 or 1991 commander in 45acp for home protection and to carry if illinois ever allows us. need comments / advise
Really close to being apples and turnips

Try both and see what you think. Both are fine handguns and shoot a great cartridge.

JMHO, but if your new to handguns I'd get the Glock, assuming it fits your hand and points well for you. This is because it is a bit simpler to operate (no safety) and would allow you to fully concentrate on the other skills you'll need. If your an old hand with the 1911 or it fits you better the 1991A should be great.

Both the 1911 (1991A) and Glock have such a hardcore following both sides will try to tell you ones great and the others crap, but I think the truth of the matter is that if either of these guns were a bad choice neither would have developed such rabid and loyal followers.

Is'nt it great when faced with a decision you can't screw up :D

Good Luck, Blue Duck
Definitely a win-win choice. I have both, and can recommend both. The selection may come down to individual, subjective preference. IOW, although this may sound simplistic, whichever feels and shoots better in your hand is the one to go for. :)
thanks guys for the comments im going to the gun shop today to try and shoot both and well see if we come home with one of them or not its a tough decision but leaning towards the glock
Be sure that you pay attention to the grip you get on the G30 with the magazine inserted. 1/3 of your grip is actually on the magazine. Also try changing mags with the G30, and see if you can handle not having anything to hold onto while the mag is out.

I recently sold my 30. That was the main thing I didn't like.
I can only speak for the 30, but it is one fine pice of engineering. 11 rounds, durable, accurate out of the box. Not to dog the commander; I would be surpised if we are having this comparison involving a G30 90 years from now. But for today, the 30 is an excellent choice.
just got back from the range and i tried the glock 30 liked it but i didnt like the grip due to the magholding 1/3 of the grip then tried a 23 (a 40 S&W compact) and loved it
they didnt have any commanders that i couls shoot only full size but the glock 23with meprolights was 569 NIB so we'll see thanks you guys for the comments
Yes the G23 gives me a full grip and I like it a lot better. It's basically the same size as a G30 with a 10-round mag anyway.

If they put a .45 on the G23 frame I'd be tempted.
I too have owned a Glock 30 but it just was not right for me. I have a Colt C.C.O. that is nice and a Springfield Arms fullsize "loaded" model but when I picked up my Para Ordnance P-13 it was love at first shot. It fits MY hand perfect and 13 + 1 rounds of .45 is hard to beat. I also like to carry "cocked & locked" but this is just my humble opinion.
I have a Kimber-Pro Carry and a Colt XS series,Glock 30 and my favorite is.


Just my opinion dont get me wrong I like the other too also just find the Glock30 to shoot better.. :D
I just purchased a new G30 the other day. I get to take it home on the evening of the 12th. Luckily, the place has a range, too. I've already shot 850 rounds out of it and haven't looked back.

New primary CCW weapon. Backup will be my old 442.

Shoot a box of shells through each at a range. The rental cost is well worth it. You'll be able to make up your own decision after the rangetime.

Don't think of it as which ONE. Just think of it as 'which one first' !!

I'm not saying this to be a smart ass, but think about the HK USP compact in .45. It's the best of both worlds... condition one ability like 1911, lightweight indestructible frame like the Glock. I have the .40 Compact, and wouldn;t trade it for anything, and I learned how to shoot on the 1911. John Browning got it right indeed, and the USP is in my opinion the logical extension of the 1911 concept. Indeed, HK comes right out and says that's what they were going for. Whatever you buy, just make sure it's the one you're most comfortable with, not what the most people recommend. I'm not recommending anything, just saying that considering your two options, I think you would do yourself a favor by checking out the HK. Just my $1/50


Not to upset anyone, but if you aren't allowed to carry concealed, I wouldn't buy a gun with that option as a deciding factor. I don't know what your state laws are like, but in mine (Pa, where CCW permits are issued) it is illegal to have even an unloaded gun in passenger compartment in most instances unless you have a permit - and that includes locked in the glove compartment. If you car is equipped with a rear seat that provides trunk access, the unloaded gun must be locked in a container seperate from ammo.

For the best in home defense, go buy a 12 or 16 gauge shotgun with an 18" barrel, and if you want to spend $$ customizing there are a whole bunch of things you can accessorize with.

But, if you are looking for a range gun or plinker, go with the 1911. Everyone needs at least one 1911!
