Yes, Remington 1100's are gas operated and would be an excellent choice for your use.
You stated that you prefer lighter guns, but the lighter a gun is the more it will recoil. There are other ways of reducing recoil such as recoil pads, barrel porting, or mercury tubes.
If you can, see if you can try different guns before you make a final choice. Most shooters are very friendly and will gladly fill your ears with advice. I shot my first round of trap courtesy of a nice man who lent me his gun, supplied a box of ammo (his own handloads), and even paid the fee (he wouldn't have it any other way). I was instantly hooked. I have my own shotguns, but I was at the club for some pistol practice. After I was done, I walked over to watch the trapshooters do their thing. I got to talking with some of the people and ended up with a new addiction.