Help finding R.E.A.L. Balls/Bullets

Jayhawk Dan

I need some assistance please.:) I am looking for a commercial source for R.E.A.L. (Rifling Engaged At Loading) bullets because I don't want to begin casting lead bullets. I've been searching this forum for "REAL Bullets" to no avail. So if you know of a source please share it with me, and if there is already a thread on this subject, please direct me to it! Thanks in advance for your assistance. :)
Jayhawk Dan
Try over on Castboolits. Doesn't cost anything to join - lots of casters there. Not sure if any are casting REAL or not but perhaps. If you post a WTB or go to the vendor section - you might scare some up. When you post, be sure to state what caliber you are looking for.
Just wanted to say that casting is very easy.

You can get a Lee mold with handles for about $20. A ladle for another $20, and a small lee pot for $33. I buy lead from Rotometals.

Or you can get a bottom-pour Lee pot for about $70 and eliminate the ladle. Though ladle pouring works best for some kinds of bullets.

+ 1 on MM comments on casting. i did not want to get into casting either but after i got a 10lb melter filled with soft lead for $5 i started casting. finding cast conicals for revolvers is more of a hassle than casting once you get setup. while my melter is bottom pour i get more consistent results with a ladle casting both balls and conicals.
It was the lack of conical/bullets for my cap n ball pistols that got me into casting. The only game in town (then) sold his for $40+ shipping (now $50) for 100, which just wasn't going to work for me. A pound of lead was $1 (that's 35 bullets that weigh 195 grns) and the equipment costs for Lee (as stated) made it worthwhile, though my custom mold was a bit pricey. But then I got to design it myself too.
Maillemaker plus two

In addition, I was once a strict adherent to the ladle.

I have recently gotten good with the bottom pour pot and now I don't even know where my ladle is.
I've never used a bottom pour . . . I always figured I'd get more lead not he bench and outside of the mold than on the inside! I have cast 50 some years with a 10# pot, a Lyman bottom pour ladle over a propane single burner hot plate.

A big +1 to what the fellows say on casting . . it can be done on a budget and a few hours of casting will give a person lots of lead balls/bullets. I how even cast over a wood fire and hot coals.

The weather has been very pleasant here and I am in the midst of my yearly casting. Between yesterday afternoon and this afternoon, I've run over 1,000 .358 RN for 38 cartridge loading - that's with double cavity Idel/Lyman molds. Tomorrow I hope to knock another 500 out and then switch to RB casting for an afternoon.

OP - if you decide to start casting - Titan Reloading has good prices on the Lee molds which produce a nice REAL bullet. They also have god prices on the Lee pots, etc. If you know any plumbers or similar - they often have soft lead that they removed from cast iron soil pipe joints, etc. Or, a local salvage yard.

Unfortunately, casting can become an "addiction" just like anything else . . . I used to get by with perhaps a half dozen molds . . . last count, I now have around fifty or so and am always on the look out for "new designs" to try! But hey . . . it keeps me out of the bars and brothels . . . so there is a plus to it! :D:)

A note to the OP.....AFAIK, there is no commercial source for the R.E.A.L cant buy them in a store. You might find someone willing to cast some for you. Maybe.
The best route, as the other posters have suggested is to buy a Lee mould and cast them yourself.
About casting......I have a bottom pour furnace (two actually) which i use for gang moulds when I am casting a lot of .45s.
Normally use a bottom pour ladle.....a Rowell #1....holds a pound of melt....absolutely the berries.