Help!!!!!!! Fdle denied purchase

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Ok. I'll do my best to make this short....

I recently was given a present of a custom built gun just for me... I waited a couple months for it to be built.
When I went in to register it in my name I was denied on the call in to FDLE...

I do have my CWP... and after two weeks of my appeal I found out I had a misdemeanor warrant in Georgia for an old speeding ticket.....
(it was a high dollar ticket so I just figured, screw Georgia, I dont need to go back...LOL)

Well I cleared it up QUICKLY and the FDLE confirmed my warrant was released..this was on 4/13/11... then they stated that they needed to update my file with some MORE information....nothing to do with the TICKET..

I was told they need some info on me and that it was in the state of florida so it WONT be more than two weeks.....

I just called and they said they are still waiting on the info and there is nothing I can do to speed it up........arrrgggghhhhhh! :mad:

I waited 2 months for the gun to be built, now a month for appeal and to still find out who knows how much longer........

Am I being impatient or can I do something to speed it up?

Don't you wish you had just paid the ticket?

That goes to show how much jurisdictions communicate these days. Any legal problem that is allowed to fester can come back to haunt you years later.
Sorry, but I don't think you've got grounds to complain. Be patient, and it'll all work out.

Sent from my kick ass HTC EVO!
Just filed appeal online with NICS. It says they will respond within 5 days for reason for hoping since the warrant was cleared they will approve and not dig further..
Handy hint: If you know of any other old tickets out there, go take care of them.

Edited to add: Welcome to The Firing Line!
FDLE = Florida Department of Law Enforcement... Had to google that, to be sure.

Nothing is hidden on the Internet, dasinc. Nothing. By not providing your "location" in your user profile, it left me wondering what State this was about (although I had a good idea).

Yet you wanted a specific State answer and didn't want to mention your "location." Others (apparently) knew what you were talking about, and now everyone knows!

[shakes head] I've always wondered why folks try to hide some of these things, when within a few short posts, they let everyone else know where they are from, at the least, and (generally) much more... In your case, your very first post.

Now we know that your are a scofflaw, from Florida. I have no sympathy towards those who won't take responsibility for their own actions and think they deserve a free ride.

Perhaps "scofflaw" is a bit harsh. Yet your first post isn't exactly peaches & cream, either.

I suggest that you sit down, take a breath, and realize that this result is all your own making. Wait it out, Take care of any other "problems" you may have and learn something from this mistake.
I knew a guy who once got a speeding ticket in Kansas. Well, he figured "big whoop" since he lived in MO and didn't pay it.

A little while later he learned that the state of Missouri had suspended his driver's license due to the unpaid ticket. He thought he was being clever but ended up just digging himself a deeper hole.

I'm a little surprised that an unpaid ticket led to a misdemeanor warrant and from there to a denial to purchase a firearm, but then again, states get touchy when they don't get their money.

1) Don't break the law.
2) If you ignore #1 and get caught, take your medicine like a man.
3) If you ignore #1 and try to skimp on #2, there's really no room to complain when it catches up with you. I understand the frustration, but when we make our own messes, we ought to clean them up.
The States communicate better than many people expect on traffic matters. Part of my job is as a traffic court prosecutor, so I see this suspended license stuff all the time. We see defendants every week whose licenses were suspended out of other jurisdictions for any number of things. Once we suspend a license, it goes into the computer, and off it goes into other states' computers.

I don't know about other states, but in Arkansas, they'll suspend your license for:
  • Too many points on your record;
  • DWI/DUI;
  • Failure to pay child support;
  • Unsatisfied judgements;
  • Failure to appear at court;
  • Etc.

Oh, yeah, and the warrants go into those computers, too. . . Failure to appear gets a warrant issued every time.
Ok. I'll do my best to make this short....

I recently was given a present of a custom built gun just for me... I waited a couple months for it to be built.
When I went in to register it in my name I was denied on the call in to FDLE...
Since you said FDLE, I'll presume you're from Florida. What do you mean "register it in my name"? It's illegal in the state of Florida to register a firearm or maintain any type of registration of firearms.
I do have my CWP... and after two weeks of my appeal I found out I had a misdemeanor warrant in Georgia for an old speeding ticket.....
Appeal of what? to who? CWP? You mean your concealed weapons LICENSE? Not sure what a CWP is in Florida.
(it was a high dollar ticket so I just figured, screw Georgia, I dont need to go back...LOL)
LOL, laughs on you :/
Well I cleared it up QUICKLY and the FDLE confirmed my warrant was released..this was on 4/13/11... then they stated that they needed to update my file with some MORE information....nothing to do with the TICKET..

I was told they need some info on me and that it was in the state of florida so it WONT be more than two weeks.....

I just called and they said they are still waiting on the info and there is nothing I can do to speed it up........arrrgggghhhhhh!

I waited 2 months for the gun to be built, now a month for appeal and to still find out who knows how much longer........

Am I being impatient or can I do something to speed it up?

You're being impatient.

Chill out!!!! Why the f$%& would I care to hide where I'm from?
Sorry to not get on my profile first thing.... you want my address? I'm in Jacksonville,Florida 32225.

I had read a few post on here before and saw that people that had something worth saying responded. Wow, if I knew this is how a new member is treated I would have gone somewhere else....

Im not new to forums.... if you cant answer my question with anything worth while than move on and bash someone else.....
Being a FFL dealer here in Florida and dealing with the FDLE daily I can say with certainy, the FDLE ain't in no hurry. They'll take their time and nothing can be done to speed the process that I know of.
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