Help decipher what Giuliani means by this



but says a person's individual right to bear arms should only be limited for strict Constitutional reasons.
Strict constitutional reasons? What the hell does THAT mean? Is Giuliani reading some constitution I haven't seen where it lists "reasons" to limit my right to bear arms? Since he supports licensing and registration, it appears he feels that licensing and registration are "justified" by some imaginary "strict constitutional reason" :rolleyes:

I think Guiliani just says what he senses will FEEL good to the masses, like the time he got that "surprise" call from his "wife" while he was talking to the nra, and a second before the phone rang he started quoting the second amendment by saying "the PEOPLE shall be secure, wait this is my wife calling."
I believe he said it because a staff writer gave him a line that SOUNDS good. Just because it makes no sense shouldn't matter, right?
America is not NYC


Rudy seems to believe that NYC is the basis for everything we need in America. Well that just don't cut it in my world. I don't care what works there it does not work well in the rest of the country.

Rudy has the makings of a major problem when it comes to 2nd amendment. He be first in line to ban handguns while he has a twenty year study conducted on the 2nd Amendment and its true meaning.
Hear this guys, now Mayor Bloomberg from NY is considering running for presiddent as an independent

the guy is a millionaire, plus he's also very anti gun.

I can see if he ever made it as president, he will run the entire country as if it were EFFIN' NYC......

and I know he will probably take everyones guns away....