Help! Cooper's Awareness levels! Where?

Ken Cook

New member
I've been looking for a couple of weeks now and I can't find them anywhere.
Can anyone point me to them or repost here?
I need the exact original text if possible.
(I know the levels, just can't word them right.)

Your mind is your primary weapon.
I'm 1,400 miles from my copy of Cooper's "Principles of Self Defense", but that's the booklet to look for...

Good luck, Art
You guys are wasting your time looking for your copies of Principles of Personal Defense. The color code is not discussed at all in PPD. You can find the verbatim text of the color code in an article Jeff wrote called The Combat Mindset. This was reprinted in his book To Ride, Shoot Straight and Speak the Truth. It was also covered in the Wednesday afternoon lecture at Gunsite. It is also covered in Greg Morrison's book The Modern Technique. I could make a pretty good stab at reciting it, but it would take longer than I have right now. I will respond later this weekend, if someone doesn't beat me to it.

White: Totally unaware of your environment, a condition of unreadiness.

Yellow: Relaxed attention, you are aware of your surroundings.

Orange: Possible specific threat observed, begin to develop a plan.

Red: A deadly fight is quite probable, look for the cues to trip your mental trigger that will initiate your response.

Black: Under lethal attack.


How does it become a man to behave toward this American government to-day?
I answer, that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it.
--Thoreau, "Civil Disobedience"
Here's the one I have posed on my wall at the office...

<a href="">Cooper's Color Codes of Mental Awareness</a>

I do not remember Col. Cooper ever addressing BLACK as a valid state in his video. Actually, I seem to remember him dismissing it.

I would STRONGLY recommend the Col.'s video on the subject. He spells out the differences between the levels very, very clearly. Even now, reading what I have transcribed on this web page, does not accurately represent what the Col. stated in that video.

IDPA# A04739

[This message has been edited by Bubba (edited May 28, 1999).]
Thanks all,
Bubba I checked your link, and I hate to disagree when I've asked for your help, but I seem to remember Col. Jeff specifically saying that there was NO Orange level in there either.
Was it four stages or just three as I remember it?
Seems to me it was
Can anyone comfirm or deny?

Your mind is your primary weapon.
White, Yellow, Orange and Red is the way Jeff taught it. Black was added later by others. I don't think it adds anything, but Clint Smith and others teach it with Black. I feel the original 4 colors are adequate.
I would think that BLACK would not stand for being under attack but for having lost the encounter, i.e. chalk outlines, photographs, etc., etc. And I am not trying to be 'cute.'

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum