Currently my only handgun is a 340 M&P that I carry and use for home defense. I am looking to get something else exclusively for home defense that has a larger frame for better handling. One of the most important considerations is the weight of the double action trigger pull. My wife has a lot of trouble with my 340 M&P, it is just too heavy for her to pull smoothly. I know the trigger weights of most handguns in single action mode are very light but I would prefer her to be able to handle our home defense gun in double action mode in case there is a situation where there isn't time to cock it. Not to mention it simplifies the thought and training process if one doesn't have to cock a weapon first in a self defense situation.
What are my options? I like the simplicity of revolvers but I'm concerned that they all have heavy double action triggers so I'll also consider semi-autos.
What are my options? I like the simplicity of revolvers but I'm concerned that they all have heavy double action triggers so I'll also consider semi-autos.