Help CCW in York PA


New member
Hello helpful experts... I am relocating to PA in york county. I looked into the application for my CCW and says that I must list my employer or else my application will be revoked. I am relocating to Pa from NJ as a result of job loss and wanting a better quality of life, I have job prospects lined up but am currently unemployed. If I put this on the application will it be denied. Thanks for all your help
Interesting. I don't know. I suppose you could just say that you are currently self-employed... that may or may not work. Perhaps contacting a dealer in the local county will yield a more official answer. Good luck. Let us know what you find out.
Go to Read it, then ask your Sheriff or LEO. I don't think that they can require someone to be employed in order to have permission to carry. That sounds discriminatory.
As far as I know, you cam open carry in PA, so just strap that baby on and swagger into town. :cool: Seriously, I think you can open carry but that might be more trouble than it's worth. Check with the local authorities about your CCW.

I'm thinking of moving to PA in a few years after my youngest moves out. I'm in The People's Republic of Maryland right now, about an hour from York. My oldest went to York College of PA so I'm a little familiar with the area. At leat PA is not a nanny state.
Legally I don't think that they can deny you if you are unemployed.

Many people who are not employed have CCW permits in Pennsylvania, my mother being one of them. She's retired. does not seem to be a valid URL.

Ah! It's
You can legally put down "unemployed" on the LTCF application. There is no requirement that one have a job.

For openly carrying in PA you'll still need a LTCF or a license from any other state to take the firearm in a vehicle whether it is loaded or not. The only way to unlicensed OC in PA is to walk out your front door, and walk to all your destinations.

The only lawful exceptions for transporting in a vehicle in PA is for going to/from: work, place of abode, shooting range, gunsmith, vacation home, or moving from one place of abode to another.

Note also, you will need a LTCF to carry openly in a City of the First Class or during a declared state of emergency.