HELP! Blackhawk 0463


Friends, I got a great holster and cartridge slide in the mail today! It's a Simply Rugged Sourdough Pancake:


Oh but it's so nice!! :D

One problem though that I've discovered with this holster... I DON'T HAVE THE GUN THAT GOES WITH IT!!! :eek:

Now I know what you're thinking, "idiot! and I don't disagree. But hear me out. I was planning to buy a Ruger New Model Blackhawk in .45 Colt w/ .45 ACP conversion cylinder w/ 5.5" barrel, blued (model # 0463), a few weeks ago. So in my haste I went ahead and ordered this beautiful holster and cartridge slide for it, thinking it'd be an easy gun to find.

Not so! Even after several weeks of searching with Gun Broker, Slick Guns, and all over I just cannot seem to find one of these for sale. Guys I am asking a massive favor of you: if anybody out there knows where I can get one of these guns, I'd love to hear about it! I'd prefer new but would be also interested in a used one as well.

Guys please let me know if you've got any leads on a Ruger 0463. They must be between runs or something because they are just not available anywhere I've checked.

Thanks so much all, I appreciate it!!

Guys I called Ruger.

The gal on the phone sounded young (and cute) but she wasn't too much help in locating this model. All she said was that since it's on the website, it's still in production. She also gave me a list of Ruger dealers in my area, which is no help since I already checked and none of them have the model I'm looking for.

Well nuts. Guys just please keep an eye out for this model for me. I'd greatly appreciate any help!!

Have you gone the Gun Broker/Buds Gun route?

My LGS orders stuff for me all the time and normally can find about any production gun within in 2-3 weeks. Never really had a major problem assuming I'm willing to wait.
Yes I've looked everywhere, EVERYWHERE for this gun. Totally out of stock, unavailable.

I usually never have problems finding the guns I want. My guess is Ruger is between runs. I can only hope they make a new batch soon!
I've got two 5.5 inch barrel Rugers a 45 Colt and 44 mag. Wish I had the 45 ACP cylinder for mine.
Good luck on the search I like the 5.5 inch Rugers for balance they just feel good un the hand.