A buddy of mine is looking to buy a gun. He has a decent amount of experience (his dad shoots and he has been shooting since he was a kid), but he has yet to buy a gun of his own. He's not sure what he wants, and has expressed interest in handguns, shotguns and rifles. His price range is $200-$500. Shotguns and handguns I can discuss intelligently with him, but once you get into the realm of rifles my expertise (such as it is) begins to thin out.
If he includes milsurp bolt actions he can get a good shooter in that range and some glass for on it. I feel reasonably comfortable discussing the pros and cons of the usual milsurp rifles. He can also probably get a decent lever-action, and I know ZERO about them. He also mentioned auto-loaders, and in that range I can only think of the Mini-14, SKS and possibly an AK variant, again guns with which I have exceedingly limited experience.
His stated uses would be general plinking and target shooting, but with a secondary defensive use in a SHTF scenario (he likes to think ahead, good man). If not for the secondary defensive role I'd advise a .22lr, but he needs something with more oomph. He does not need a pretty collector gun, nor does he need hyper-accuracy, or a black tactical uber-gun (good thing, he ain't getting any of that for under $500 ). He has no reloading capability, so cheap and available ammo is a must. He'd also like to stay as low in that price range as possible.
Thoughts/suggestions? Levergun, SKS and AK help especially appreciated.
(The gun that immediately jumped to my mind was the SKS. Cheap, reliable, powerful, accurate enough for stated purposes, easy to feed, accessories available)
If he includes milsurp bolt actions he can get a good shooter in that range and some glass for on it. I feel reasonably comfortable discussing the pros and cons of the usual milsurp rifles. He can also probably get a decent lever-action, and I know ZERO about them. He also mentioned auto-loaders, and in that range I can only think of the Mini-14, SKS and possibly an AK variant, again guns with which I have exceedingly limited experience.
His stated uses would be general plinking and target shooting, but with a secondary defensive use in a SHTF scenario (he likes to think ahead, good man). If not for the secondary defensive role I'd advise a .22lr, but he needs something with more oomph. He does not need a pretty collector gun, nor does he need hyper-accuracy, or a black tactical uber-gun (good thing, he ain't getting any of that for under $500 ). He has no reloading capability, so cheap and available ammo is a must. He'd also like to stay as low in that price range as possible.
Thoughts/suggestions? Levergun, SKS and AK help especially appreciated.
(The gun that immediately jumped to my mind was the SKS. Cheap, reliable, powerful, accurate enough for stated purposes, easy to feed, accessories available)