

Sorry if this is in the wrong section, but im new here and wanted to first off say hello. Also I am new to handguns in general and am taking courses this week to become an armed security officer.

We will be provided with a ton of training and range time but I was wondering if yall had some advice you could give me because my main concern is I have somewhat unsteady hands. Im worried this will affect my accuracy and cause my to fail my qualifying. Any advice on anything would be greatly appreciated! Again sorry if this is in the wrong place.
Focus on the front sight. It's "Front sight (on the center of the target) Press" (the trigger). Practice that, dry firing is free, and can be done at home.
Spend some time on youtube and myoutdoors web sites for videos on grip, stance and recoil control.
These will help overcome an unsteady hand problem and help give you confidence.
Look especially for names like Jerry Miculek, Todd Jarrett, Clint Smith, Tiger McGee, Matt Burkett.
If the course you are taking is worth anything, the instructors will help plenty, too.
Just relax and go with the intent of learning.
You won't be the only one there trying not to be nervous.
I have shaky hands, it runs in my family. Somehow, I'm able to shoot fairly well. But I've been shooting since I was very young. Practice, and a will to learn is all you really need. Use your head, and keep an open mind to instruction. It's a good that you're getting training first, it can help prevent you from learning bad habits. Good luck, and stay safe sir.
And welcome to tfl.
I was going to say don’t get a laser but after typing it … maybe a laser would help. Like it’s been said – front sight, but if you’ve got unsteady hands, maybe focusing on breathing and seeing where the laser dots at … well it may help!

If you do get one don’t be discouraged at how much it moves – happens to all of us! :confused:

Edit to say good luck! Shooting can be alot of fun!
jimbob86 said:
Focus on the front sight.
My hands shake, too. I'm no pro or instructor, but for me time-on-target is the enemy. I use a thumbs forward, light push-pull, two handed grip, and when I acquire the target, I squeeze NOW! The longer I hold on target, the more the sight starts to waver.
A strong +1 on dry-fire practice. Use extreme caution, though, and check, double-check, then check again to make sure your weapon and mags are EMPTY! (clear), then make sure of what's behind your target.

Oh, and welcome aboard: to the forum and to shooting. Make it a fun thing, but safety first!
Go to a range and rent some of their handguns in various sizes. Larger framed pistols generally do a better job of balancing weight and reducing recoil (but harder to conceal), so keep that in mind. Larger handungs are GENERALLY more accurate due to the longer sight radius. With the smaller handguns you generally have less to work with. And sure you can throw the Kel-Tec P3AT/Ruger LCP in your pocket and go, but I wouldn't recommend them to a first time buyer. There's nothing worse than buying a gun that you hate to shoot.

If you will be issued a particular model, try to get some range time in with that one (or something similar) to work on accuracy.
thanks for all the replies! I have 2 hand guns im going to be qualifying with, a 9mm semi automatic and a 357 revolver with .38 ammunition. My uncle is ex green beret and he showed me a few small things last week, thats when I noticed just how unsteady i was holding the pistol.

Ive watched Magpull videos and several other youtube videos on stance, grip, trigger control, and recoil control, but knowledge does nothing for experience lol. Everything Ive picked up from the videos I was told I couldnt do at the range because the range is indoors so things are going to have to be done differently.

I unfortunately will be unable to get any range time before qualifying as I am broker then a joke and dont own a pistol as of yet. Im looking into buying a Sig Saur P229 as thats more then likely what ill be issued when I finish classes.

I guess my biggest concern is doing something stupid and hurting myself or someone else. I forewarned my instructor I have no previous training or experience with a firearm, he said he understood and was used to it. He assured me I would be fine as long as I listened to instructions.

I think once I get on the range and fire off a few rounds ill be more comfortable. So my next question is, what hand gun do you recommend for both carrying concealed as well as home defense? Money is a big issue currently as we are struggling to stay afloat, these classes nearly broke us. However it gives me a career. Anyway, the 229 Sig Saur seems like a good choice, but what do yall think?
I think the Sig is a great pistol ... but dear! You might want to hold a Smith&Wesson M&P, Glock or anything in the $500 area rather than a Sig. Make sure it's a 9mm so that you can shoot it as cheap as possible too.
For some of the value priced firearms, take a look at Bersa, Kel-Tec, or Taurus. Kahr makes some great handguns as well (most are $600+), but you might be able to get a good deal on either a CM9 (similar in size to a PM9), or a CW9... Those are two of Kahr's cheaper options. Would you prefer a polymer pistol, or something that has a metal frame?
ummmm im not sure about the type of frame, I liked the feel of my uncles P229 and his 1911 .45... but the 1911 would be kinda hard to conceal I would think lol. I dont wanna go cheap on a pistol but I may not have a choice so im going to shop around before I buy one
For all around carry and comfort, look into a Walther PPS. They shoot better than many fullsize pistols and are very easy to conceal. I can't reccomend the PPS enough.
As for the shakiness I'd say others have that covered, as for pistol choice I'll share my .02 If you like the 1911 feel...I'd honestly recommend a 92 series...high capacity, low recoil with 9mm, and more than capable. I shoot a PT92 that I absolutely love, if you want something a little smaller but similiar the pt911 is also good. You'll hear a lot of people bash Taurus but honestly IMO only agree with half of it. I'll never buy a Polymer (semi-auto) Taurus (unless an amazing deal comes along), this is just from personal exp/and a lot of research. Taurus's all metal guns on the other hand are solid/reliable/accurate guns that are affordable as well. If you go conceal and do a 9mm the new Kahr is a sweet deal for a good gun...as is the Bersa 9mm compact.

Welcome to the board though, lots of knowledge and BS...you learn to sift through both it's one greatest sources of knowledge on guns.
Perhaps this is too simple, but maybe it is just so simple it was overlooked - a too-tight grip can cause unsteady hands and sight picture. Sometimes beginners think they have to have a death grip on a handgun, when in reality a firm but relaxed grip is better.

And while heavier guns absorb recoil, they also can tire the arm faster and make the shooter unsteady. Everything is a balance, and you have to find what is comfortable for you.

From what little you have said about your trainer, it sounds as if he is patient and willing to work with you, so relax and enjoy it, approach it with an open and teachable mind, and you will do fine.
I have shaky hands to. It's just something you have to deal with. In my case a heavier gun helps. A two handed grip allows me to actively engage the muscles that shake.

Wait until after you get you duty weapon, and are familiar with it, before you choose your personal firearm.
Take your time and try out lots of different ones.
thanks for all the input guys! I was talking to my instructor today and he told me more then likely I will have to provide my duty weapon so now its a matter of whats gonna keep me alive on the job, whats gonna keep me alive at home, and whats gonna keep me alive walkin down the street lol.. I think next week when classes are done im just gonna go shopping and get a feel of everything I can get my hands on. Im gonna end up more then likely carrying both a 9mm and a 38 on duty since I can carry both if I qualify with both.
Jack...in that case I still stand behind my 9mm advice and would think a good 38snub on ankle or pocket as backup would be slick. I really don't have any pref when it comes to revolvers, but snub/conceal in your case would be what I would do...but what you do may be totally different have fun with the choosing process.