Hello - newbie to the sport


New member
Thought I would just say hello. I'm just getting in to cowboy action shooting and thought I would peruse the forum here. My hubby isn't much into it, as he prefers autoloaders to wheel guns. Took him several hours to learn to hold my gun right, first time I picked it up it was natural (hubby was jealous, but he likes to brag about how I do out shoot him. Pretty good for a girl who didn't pick up a gun until she was 36 :D ).

I don't as yet have everything I need, all I have at the moment is a Ruger Blackhawk .357, which I find to be nice. I seem to be a pretty decent shot with it. We finally found a good place to shoot (really tough around here), we joined a local shooters group and they have a range. But I figure for the rest of what I need I should take my time researching (I as yet am not that good with rifle, tho I am getting pretty good with the .22s my hubby got me).

Are there many women who hang out in this forum?

"the key to longevity is to keep breathing" - Sophie Tucker
Welcome to TFL and the fasting growing shooting sport!! Check out the best Cowboy Action Shooting web site on the net http://www.sassnet.com/ home of The Single Action Shooting Society then swing on through to The Wire SASS's board. You don't need to be a member of SASS to register and post on the wire so come on over and join in on the fun!

The wife has yet to shoot a match but tomorrow (Sat) is the first CAS shoot for a new club and hopefully Dusty Carr will shoot. She does enjoy shooting the 1866 Yellowboy and Ruger Vaquero's both in 45 Colt but the coach gun (12 ga) is a tad hard on her right now.

SAS RKBA freedom Scottsbluff Cowboy Shooters Cheyenne Regulators
Thank you Joey, I had started to peruse the SASS Wire earlier today, but I wasn't sure about non-SASS members posting. I'll get set up there right away. Looks like a lively place :D

I'm going to my first shoot tomorrow. I've only shot once in a group of folks I've never met before, as I tend to be a bit shy (make that extremely shy) and am a bit nervous about it. But I did okay before, so I think I should be okay tomorrow. But I do like playing dressup (I've been going to science fiction conventions for years), so that should make things a bit more relaxed. I've thrown together an outfit that pretty much looks period (tho not totally) out of my closet, costume box and Goodwill, so I can at least look the part. Hubby made me a belt and holster out of leather, so I don't have to use the web belt and nylon holster we had.

I have only fired a shotgun once, I wasn't real sure I ever wanted to fire another one. But we are slowly working up to it. I don't have problems with hubby's .303 Enfield and he says the shotgun we would be looking at isn't much worse.
best advice I can give on a shotgun,especially double barreled,is to avoid the short barrel "coach guns".I've had both long and short barreleed styles,and much prefer the long barreled maodels.The added weight of the barrels helps tame the recoil some,and aids in holding the barrels open for reloading on some models.
As to a rifle,the Model 94 Winchesters are the most reasonable priced,but the long lever throw can be a problem.I'm getting used to mine,but don't know that I wouldn't rather save up some dinero for a model 92 next time.The Rossi model 92 is ok if you take the time to bread it in,or pay for an action job.
sorry to be so "windy". :)
Enjoy yourself,I know I do.Getting to play "dressup" and shoot guns is a HOOT.
Throckmorton SASS23149 aka/Mort
Well, I got thru my first shoot and I am pleased to say I didn't disgrace myself, my hubby nor my ancestors :D

I had a blast :D :D :D

The folks there were nice, went out of their way to say hello to the newbie (which was good as I parked myself behind my hubby and was afraid to come out). Even loaned me the rest of the hardware I needed (I just had the one pistol). I wish I had read the Shotgun 101 a bit closer (not to mention remember it better, you should see the bruise on my upper arm LOL. Right now a most interesting shade of green and red!). They paired me up with the one lady as my nanny who loaned me her extra shotgun and we swapped her rifle back and forth. The hubby sat back and watched and took pics (tho we forgot to get one of me posed with the leather and pistols). About 1/3 of the way thru he was trying to figure out how to get in on the fun LOL. So next shoot he's going to sign up to :) I only really screwed up the 2nd stage I did, I was over excieted from doing well the first time. Once I started to remember to breath I was fine :D don't think I stopped grinning the entire time. But gods, I am sore! I've plinked around a bit, but I have never fired that many rounds in one day before.

In the meantime we are going to spend the Saturday of the 4 day regional shoot at Farragut State Park wandering around, watching and looking for more hardware (we really want to make sure we got everything we need by the next shoot. hehehehehehe, there does this months budget LOL). I'll be running the suggestions here past my hubby so we start getting ideas of what to look for (he did like the idea of the Shotgun 101 thread, so he'll be explaining it to me so I can understand it and then we can go out and practice.
Howdy Jean,
Welcome to the world of Cowboy Action Shooting. When I first started CAS I couldn't hit anything with my pistols and had never shot a shotgun before. Some great cowboys practiced with me and help me get a handle on the pistols and I've learned that if I keep the shotgun on my shoulder where it belongs then the recoil isn't a problem. When looking for a rifle and shotgun, test out a few and see what feels the best for you. My personal choice is the Marlin Cowboy and an IGA Stoeger SXS 12ga.

Angel Diamond
Hey, Jean C, lots of cowgirls. Just not many chat on the wire. Both my Mrs. and her sister are cowgirls, Wild Horse Annie and Fayette Filly. About 18% of our cowboy action shooting club are cowgirls.