hello new gun owner i have just few questions


Well first i must say this is a great site.
Here recently i turned 21, and for some time i have always wanted to own a hand gun, i had never shot one till this past week. and it was after testing one out that i had one of my own. I now own a XP9 9MM with 15 round clip black, this seem to be a great gun. I would rather call this a tool, and not a weapon. Now as a first time shooter of a hand gun i a very surprised how well i shot. I tried at deferent ranges 15, 20, 25. Now at first i was way off the first 15 shot i think i hit the target once. after thinking about how i was holding the gun i change quickly to hitting within a 1" range of where i wanted the bullet to go even at 25 yards, but however what more can i do? Many people buy a gun for a reason; i have mine for none other than to go to the range or set up targets at home in he woods. But should the need arise how can i prepare my self for better sighting of moving targets? Another thing that has come to mind is how to store this gun, for now I am storing at the store I received it at, I feel safer with it not in my truck, and not in the house where I rent the room I am in. there are several people in the house and this gun could become misplaced, don’t get me wrong I trust them but if its not there to begin with then you don’t have to worry about it.; I think you see where I am going. Now once I go to a gun safety course I plan to get my concealed weapons permit. Then keep it on me were I can. I work for us-air ways and I park in the airports parking so I am going to have to find out if I can even store is in the truck at work or at least let them know that there is one in the truck. Well other than what i have said are there any classes that you recommend tips for storing, and cleaning would be great. Thanks again Jesse Brown
Hey RB Welcome to adulthood,
you'll be middle aged before you know it. :D

My first suggestion is to get a safe, I got a Sentry safe... big sucker
at Walmart. 99 pounds big enough for several guns, cash, gold,
what have you
(that could come in handy!)

Second you might want to get a safe you can bolt into your vehicle.
I got a DAK sportsafe which can be detached.

Third.... I have an XD sub compact myself, I am very pleased.
when you get a second gun, I suggest a sub, because the large
magazines would be operable in the sub if necessary.

Get some good training, and after you get your CCW, get MORE training.
And after that, get MORE training.

Do not fall into the NRA propoganda of calling your pistol a tool.


It's a WEAPON , and don't you EVER forget it!

don’t get me wrong I trust them

Never 'trust' anyone else with your firearm. Guns are different from your other posessions and need to be guarded carefully. I'm glad you are thinking straight about that, leaving it at the store for now. Definitely get a safe for your place, bolting it to the floor.

Airports are a sticky situation. I know here near Dulles you can drive around in the parking lot with a CCW permit but not sure on keeping one in the truck. If in doubt ask the airport authority and also the state police office, or even a lawyer up on firearms law.

BTW, what's your secret to shooting that XD9 straight? :confused:
Hey man, 1st off I applaud the way you are handling your first handgun. I think it shows a lot about you that you keep it locked up at the shop rather than bringing it home where you don't feel comfortable having it. Secondly, I would simply pay $10 for one of those plastic handgun cases that you can put a couple padlocks on. That would be fine for locking your weapon up. Unless you've got the money to burn, I don't think that you absolutely have to get a safe. They are the most secure way of keeping your arms and your valuables, but are pricey. You could keep your lock box in your range bag with a lock on it as well.

As far as cleaning, You can buy cleaning kits at the gun shop for about $15. They will have everything you need, patches, brush, oil, and solvent. It will also have instruction on how to clean a weap. Congradulations on your first handgun, and Good Luck! Responsible ownership is critical, and it seems that you value that!