Hello all! "New guy in town"

Hello everybody,
I have just been introduced to this forum by Pea Shooter. So I will be lurking from time to time, Getting info and venting as I feel the urge :)"Certainly with the Stupid laws going through!!"
I am a Gunsmith with a Indoor Pistol range in Cathedral City Calif.."Palm Springs area"
I look forward to talking with you all.

Hello, glad to have you here. Next time I play golf out your way I'll have to stop-by and say hello.
Welcome to the group. Always good to have another member here.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Greetings and Welcome Hunters Retreat,

I hope you find TFL as useful as I do. Now, on to business, how many signatures do you have on the SB 23 referendum? ;)
Hello to all TFL members,I can't beleive that I only joined about 3 hours ago and I already have this many reply's. It is hard for me to write back right away, I'm so busy today. I think I have about 25 or 30 signatures on the SB 23 referendum, but I only started friday. Something I've noticed already is the number of gun owners that are not registered voters. To many have that attitude that some else will take care of that or the NRA will do something. We can no longer sit by and wait for the other guy to help. We need to get people registered today. The Registar of voters (800)773-8683 will send you the forms. I'will now get off my soap box before I get everyone mad at me. Thanks for this great place to vent :)
Gary is a square shooter as far as bussiness is concerned. I have dealt with him for almost 15 yrs and when I had a problem with a purchase or smith job, it never was a problem with him ,he took care of it on the spot :D

[This message has been edited by PEA SHOOTER (edited August 07, 1999).]
Welcome, we're always happy to have another member here, and a gunsmith to boot. Now, my AR won't eject and I have to....

4V50 Gary, of the North.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt

Btw... Hunters has a 10 station Sporting Clays Range right around the corner from the shop.
Fun shoots with prizes too

I know,, it sound's like a commercial :o
But we have the only shotgun range within 50 miles, so I'd like to keep it up and runnin by tellin ya if your in the area to stop by and say hello :)
G'day HR (may I call you HR? ;))

Take the weight off, mate, grab yourself a tinnie out of the Esky and consider yourself at home. (Next round's on you ;))

Welcome to the group :) There is a bunch a GREAT folks here. I'm sure you will enjoy yourself. Best of luck defeating SB 23!

Another G'day HR from Down Under !
BTW, did you know that "HR" is the model designation of the 1966 Holden Sedan?
Almost as cool a car as a '66 Mustang ! :D
Aussie gun Laws suck & SB23 sucks along with the best/worst of 'em ! :(

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Hunters Retreat,
You will find this is a very ACTIVE forum...
You speak out on a hot topic - you will always have plenty of feedback.

And Welcome the TFL...

"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

Hello all, I'm just back to work here thought I would take a minute and say hi. Being monday morning already I guess I need to start focusing on the matters at hand. where can I find a readers digest version of SB 23, one written in layman's terms :) I hope you all had a fine weekend off, unlike me who only gets one day off. Please feel free to ask me any questions you want about gun repairs, I'll help if I can.
