Hellfire vs. full automatic


Considering all this talk about Muslim riots in Europe and if it happened here and considering how difficult it is to own a fully automatic weapon here (I understand you need a "special" permit to own one issued by the "almighty" U.S. Government which costs about $3000 and the cost of the weapon itself is even more) I was wondering how fast hellfires speed things up compared to fully automatic weapons. Say I put a hellfire on my M-1 carbine or go buy a semi auto Thompson and put a hellfire on it, how would it compare to the full auto?

Those could be quite useful in "hosing" down rioters :cool:
Springmom, . . . it's one of those mall ninja trigger adapters that lets everyone find out that you really are un-hinged when you break out your .22 cal assault rifle (in full camo's and face paint).

It also allows everyone around you to see for sure that slow, deliberate, sighted shooting always produces more and better hits than full auto or "mall ninja" full auto with a hell fire device.

May God bless,
HAHAHAHAHAH!!! That's good Dwight! ;) :) Can't wait to get my snake eyes outfit on!

A hellfire, from what I understand, is a sort of spring device that you can latch onto the trigger guard of a semi automatci gun. If you jerk your trigger finger the right way with the spring pressing against it, it will continually bounce your trigger finger against the trigger with ever shot fired as fast as possible, in effect legally turning your gun into a fully automatic weapon.
Never seen one in action, but I've heard a lot about them from other....well..."mall ninja" types ;)
If nothing else, it would be fun to try out at the gun range. :)

Anyway, I say again, how does the hellfire compare with the fully auto? Tactically speaking, it would make good supression fire againts a large gang as seen in riots. I mean, the military has been using fully automatic weapons for the past century for a reason. It fortify's your position. Not trying to be a "mall ninja" here just throwing out an idea
do a search for "bumpfire video" or bump firing video on yahoo. I wouldnt spend the cash on a hellfire if you just want to waste ammo.
consider this...

You really don't need a "machine gun". Semi-auto is plenty of fire power in a modern military type weapon. The M1,M14,FAL have all been used in military service as semi-auto only rifles with little complaint.
right, I understand that point. My dad is a former marine from back in the 60s during the brief M-14 lifetime and told me that it used to be that only ONE man in the entire squad would have a fully automatic weapon (in WW2 it was the BAR and just about everyone else had the M-1) when he was in only one of the men in a squad would have an capable of M-14 shooting fully automatic. They didn't want every man just spraying and praying. The idea was primarily suppression fire for assult and to fortify for defense.
While you are right that it is better on once since to make one shot count on each opponent with a revolver or semiauto pistol or rifle, there is rhyme and reason behind a fully automatic weapon.
Definition: Hellfire = POS.

Don't waste your time. If you want full auto, get a full auto. There are no "licenses" and you pay a one-time transfer tax of $200 when you buy a machinegun.
Seen a Hellfire in action on I think a ruger 10/22 about 10 years ago...it must have been real cool for the guy to see all the dirt and dust flying around the 5 targets he was shooting at at 50 yards. Did he care if he hit anything? Not really, but it looked cool to him. Moral of the story, you could double tap 5 targets with any ruger 10/22 in the same amount of time it takes you to spray and pray those 5 targets with a 30 round clip and a hellfire.
Hellfire? BTDT. = POS.

All it ever did for me was to scratch up my TG. Wouldn't work, warrantied it, still wouldnn't work, pitched it.
I've heard that one branch of the military used to do a demonstration to their trainees.

They would pick the least apt/coordinated trainee and take him aside for some basic marksmanship training.

Then they would bring the whole group to the firing line with some human sized targets at around 100yards.

They would have the group fire at the targets with their issue rifles with the special trainee going last.

Inevitably, the rest of the group would fire full auto, often unaimed, from the hip, while the trainee would fire aimed semi-auto shots.

It was not uncommon for the special trainee to make more hits than the entire rest of the group.

Full auto is fun, it's useful in very limited circumstances, but not in general.
So what I've gotten from just about everybody is that a Hellfire is pretty much a cheap toy that you would otherwise find in a Cereal or Crackerjack box that idiots pay good money for.:D
So what I've gotten from just about everybody is that a Hellfire is pretty much a cheap toy that you would otherwise find in a Cereal or Crackerjack box that idiots pay good money for.
