Heller Tries To Register His Semi Auto Pistol And Rejected!

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New member
This insanity just proves that the gun haters will disregard the law in their zeal to push their agenda. They want a disarmed America so they can then turn our once great Republic into what once great England has become. Their hatred of a free society that is armed is evident. History is full of examples of brutal regimes that began with first gun registration and then confiscation. The people of DC need to vote these subversives out of office. Time to wake up America the wolf is at the door.
Correct me if I am wrong but didn't SCOTUS rule that weapons that are used commonly for defense (handguns) by the people are OK to register? The semi auto has eclipsed the revolver in popularity in recent years so Heller wanting to register his semi auto pistol is reasonable. This brings me to the Justices allowing for "reasonable" restrictions. When does a reasonable restriction become a roadblock? When those in power decide to disobey the letter AND the spirit of the Heller ruling to further their agenda.The current Heller ruling although a big win for the pro gun side leaves a lot of wiggle room for those who have a different "vision" for our society. They will use this to their advantage. I will say it again the people of DC need to rout these subversives out of office. :mad:


If you watched the video clip that is alongside the story the media erroneously reported that weapons had to be kept broken down in the home in DC, WRONG. I hope that the new lawsuit (I am sure there will be one) attacks this nonsense in DC and then in Chicago and NYC.
Can one of our lawyer-members chime in with the process Heller could use to get the SCOTUS decision enforced.
Wonder if the rejection would fall under the reasonable restrictions Obama believes are necessary?
A spokesman for the DC Police says the gun was a bottom-loading weapon, and according to their interpretation, all bottom-loading guns are outlawed because they are grouped with machine guns.


As a resident and LEO of DC, I can assure you that "The People" here hate guns as much as the politicians...

The helpless politically correct residents deserve what they get if you ask me.

Their definition of a machine gun is so ass backwards it's not even funny. I've seen many bottom loading pistols and some machine guns that don't load from the bottom. How about, uh, I don't know, using the proper definition of a machine gun in the law:

Semi-auto: One trigger pull = One shot, even if the trigger is held

Automatic: One trigger pull = as many shots as the magazine will hold if the trigger is held down.

But to classify them as "machine guns" by where they are loaded?? How can they say a handgun is classified under the same group of fully automatic weapons with a straight face?? :confused: :confused:
it's a gun that mechanically loads itself and is therefore a machine mechanism driven gun?:confused:

Ok that was a stretch even for me. gonna go purge my mind by looking at gunbroker now :D
Now if Heller will pursue this, then possibly we will find out if the recent SCOTUS decision was as good as everyone thinks. Personally, though it was confirmed as an individual right, I believe it left a lot of loop holes for these types of cities to continue doing as they please in regard to infringing upon our right to bear arms.
This is old news. In case no one saw the date stamp, it was 2 months ago.

Since that time, Stephan Hollbrook, representing Dick Heller has filed a suit against D.C. (Heller v. D.C. - 2.0).

Closed, until something new surfaces.
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