Heller Today

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Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Just got this:

Gun Law Update - The Heller Case
Gun Law Update - The Heller Case
Gun Law Update - The Heller Case

by Alan Korwin, Co-Author
Supreme Court Gun Cases
June 25, 2008

Chief Justice John Roberts announced less than an hour ago that the Supreme Court would release its three remaining decisions tomorrow, Thu., 6/26/08, beginning at 10 a.m., Eastern time.

This includes D.C. v. Heller, the Washington, D.C. gun-ban case that is examining the meaning of the Second Amendment, and whether a complete ban on any operable gun in a private home violates the constitutional rights of individual citizens.

I plan to have a quick review of the highlights of the case within three hours of its release. A more detailed review is planned before the end of June.

--------- The sun's gonna shine tomorrow. Bet your bottom dollar that ....

Tomorrow, Tomorrow


You will be burying your guns in PVC and moving to the mountains, living on the land and waiting for the UN to come for you!!
If the UN attempts any tomfoolery I hope they have sufficient spiritual guidance beforehand and their insurance is paid up.
I don't think this decision is going to be that big of a deal. They may say a government cannot outright ban firearms. Thats good, but outright bans do not affect many of us. I think they will leave governments plenty of room for "common sense" regulation.

For example, the DC ban may be unconstitutional, but I suspect the Supreme Court would still allow heavy regulation, such as permits, storage requirements, license fees, inspections, etc. Governments would still be able to keep firearms ownership very limited through onerous regulation.

I don't think this will be the earth-shaking decision everyone is anticipating.
I think you are correct. Probably let DC put in some kind of NYC type heavily regulated ownership. Cost you thousands and take forever to get it, if you can justify the ownership.

Or maybe they will let me buy a Aegis cruiser with nuclear Tomahawks and sail the seven seas?
Or maybe they will let me buy a Aegis cruiser with nuclear Tomahawks and sail the seven seas?

Excellent- TFL group buy coming up!!! The more you contribute, the higher your rank in the crew! Largest contributor gets his choice of rank: Captain, Weapons Officer, or Gunner.
Fox said they'd have coverage. They made brief mention of it today but still are wishy washy about it, talking in the language of "whether the right is an individual or collective right" rather than that it is an individual right and whether they'll acknowledge it or not.
We have much to fear regardless. If they rule against us, it's a given we are in trouble. If they find for the individual, they could easily get mealy-mouthed about the "right" and do us as much harm as good...though I remain hopeful about it.
I expect SCOTUS will support individual right.

I don't think we will get "strict scrutiny" as the test of violations of the right.

The Gitmo ruling was amazingly off point, and I have a hard time believing a Court that can produce such an amazingly wrong (our military personnel do not have habeus rights but foreign terrorists do? What?) decision will strictly limit government control over citizens.

And then maybe they made a deal, gave the lefties what they wanted on Gitmo in exchange...They are human, y'know. People do stuff like that.

And it would be okay with me, long as there are no limits on how many terrorists you can bag in a day, month or year...but things here would be quite grim in that environment.

Why can't we all just get along...I know, I know, question withdrawn.
I don't think this decision is going to be that big of a deal.

I disagree. From my understanding, this case will hopefully do a few things if it goes the way we want it to go.

Firstly, it will establish an individual right to keep and bear arms. Huge in it's own right.

Also, the firearm in this case was requested to be kept in the home for self defense purposes, in operable condition, ready to be used in a moments notice, and not for hunting or target practicing or whatever. From the oral arguements that I listened to, it was from this point of view that the justices considered the case.

I recall one justice (Scalia?) saying something to the effect that, "OK, you hear someone breaking into your house, so you need to turn on the light, put on your glasses, and open the combination lock..."

Depending on the wording of the ruling, there may be a big step here toward establishing precedent for the RKBA for SD purposes exclusively. Even if SD or "protection" is not mentioned in the ruling, it is implied that a firearm kept "operable" is for SD, not simply for shooting targets or deer inside the home.
BTW, anyone given any thought to what this ruling (if it goes in our favor) may mean for post office carry??

After all it was the Postmaster General who wrote that "administrative" law into existence. Even though the PO is not technically federal property (or is it?) The PG is a federal employee.........


The 2A does say "keep and bear"
you all should check out the landing page of drudgereport.com.

There'a picture of a... well I don't want to spoil the surprise.

2 interpretations? (spoiler) it could mean a) the 2A is quaint and outdated (doubt it) or 2) it's what the country was founded upon. I'm going with (2).
Let's wait until it's released. :)

I'll unlock the stickied thread the moment the decision is released. Speculation in the sticky thread will be deleted without mercy. :)
I don't think this decision is going to be that big of a deal.

I disagree as well. With the fact that Obama has a good shot at the White House, I certainly feel that a positive measure from the Supreme Court will limit Obama's ability to ban or restrict firearms during his term.
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