Heller SCOTUS Decision could come any time now...


New member
Today the SCOTUS handed down another decision on detainees. Decisions have been coming out every couple days and at any time this month one will come out for Heller on the 2A.

Keep your eyes open, fingers crossed and let's see who will be first to post the decision!
Expect decisions to be issued on Mon. the 16th; Thurs. the 19th; Mon. the 23rd; and possibly Thurs. the 26th. Longshot on Mon. the 30th.

Since this is a decision that is literally a once-in-a-lifetime decision, I suspect they are making sure every "I" is dotted and "T" is crossed.

Regardless of how they rule, this opinion is one that will be read and debated for years. The Justices know this and will be very carefully crafting the decision (and any dissenting opinion).
Since this is a decision that is literally a once-in-a-lifetime decision, I suspect they are making sure every "I" is dotted and "T" is crossed.

Given that the last time the court was even near the 2A was so long ago that most of those alive at the time are now dead (or were so young they had no idea what was going on) I think the above is an excellent point.

The next time this comes up it might be with regards to gauss and plasma pulse rifles.
According to SCOTUS blog, the court is expected to recess the week of 6/23... which means it's likely we'll see a decision in Heller by then.
I'm been wondering about the decision on the 2A issue as well.. I have my fingers crossed and I hope that they'll rule in our favor...

I hope for a broad and positive ruling, but I expect a narrow ruling that does not affect other states and cities that have similar types of restrictions. I would hope the court would read the writings of the founders about their beliefs when they wrote the BoR, but somehow the court appointees often seem to drift to the left.
The ruling they made on enemy detainees concerns me. I honestly dont think they would be INSANE enough to remove individual ownership rights, but, who knows. All i can say is that if they DO end up ruling against the individual, God help us all.
The gun control people are already spinning their anticipated defeat. They may be pessimistic, but let's hope the Bush appointees can get it done.