Heirloom Precision

Anyone have work performed by Heirloom Precision? I perused Jason Burton's site, read a couple of articles on him, and really impressed with his work.

I'm not taking anything away from Les Baer(my personal favorite), Ed Brown, etc. But this kid has a philosophy and artwork that speaks to me the most. I was looking at a Springfield Ronin to be my next purchase. Now, I'm thinking of doing the unthinkable and ask Burton if my Springfield Loaded would be a good candidate for him to work his magic. He's currently not taking on anymore projects due to his workload. I subscribed to his email in hopes of an opening before I depart this world.

In the meantime, I'd like feedback and pics of his work performed on your firearm, namely a 1911 variant.
I met Jason ~15 years ago, when he owned a pawn shop in the Seattle area. He had a suitcase full of custom pistols build by the masters, Swenson, Hoag, Nastoff, et al., but I had no idea, at the time, that he aspired to join their ranks.
I certainly wouldn't equate his bespoke masterpieces with the well made, but production pistols from makers like Baer, Brown, Nighthawk, Wilson.