Heavy Support Automatic Shotgun


New member
I just had this idea.

It would be of very limited usefulness, of course, but where you need it it would come in handy. I think it would be handy for small firebases surrounded by forest or jungle, in a defensive format. Beyond that it would be useless, mostly, but what the hell.

A belt-fed shotgun, tripod mounted, and very big, like a Browning M2. Cyclic rate of 600 or more rounds per minute. I'd have a 30" barrel, and a special choke, and would fire special high velocity, high pressure, big bore shotgun ammunition.

Then I thought of the Mk. 19 belt fed grenade launcher. For the M79 and M203 launchers, they have huge 40mm shotshells. And while the Mk. 19 uses a different type of 40mm grenade, it could certainly be adapted to this purpose.

I'm just thinking such a thing would be handy if you happened to come up against a human wave attack, or, as I said, had a perimeter of thick foliage about 75 yards from your firebase.

Just a kooky idea. :)
Not too kooky considering the Navy experimented with something like this during Vietnam. It was called the SOW. Or something like that IIRC. I read about it a while back, but I can't recall the details.
I was once chatting with a CHP officer who claimed to have been a sniper in the Marines, and said he had been offered a job driving the trucks that haul nuclear material around. The trucks look just like 18-wheelers superficially, but are tricked-out, including (so he claimed) a pop-up turret in the sleeper with a belt-fed, full auto Benelli loaded with slugs to repel any attacking cars/trucks.

YMMV, I'm just repeating what I heard, etc., but if it is true, wow!
Why not just go for all out insantity and have a 2-3k round drum magazine and feed them to a 6 barreled GE type minigun?

12gauge lead thrower that can sustain 4-6k rpm? Mix it up with slugs, no9 birdshot, and some 00buckshot. Could be a big giant version of a sand blaster, only instead of sand you're spraying a wall of lead.

Hehe, that's been one of my all time most worthless firearm fantasies. If I had unlimited funds just for the "s**ts&giggles" factor have it built up just to see what it would be like, imagine the look of horror on the faces of all the environmentalists when you pour out several hundred pounds of lead within a 1-2 second burst!:)
I think the 40mm shotshell has been done and is still used, other current options include:

The claymore, quite simply the ultimate in big bore single shot protection. who needs a full auto after that?

Call a tank, a beehive round from a 120mm seems ok to me, if full auto is still desired you always have the coax or M-2 to take up the slack.

But meanwhile I'm still holding out for the belt fed 12ga. for CCW of course.
Claymore Shotgun

I thought this up while I was in boot camp. YES, I know it wouldnt' really work, because Claymores are not something you want going off a few feet away from you, even though they're only supposed to spray in one direction. Sometimes you get a piece of shrapnel going the other way, too...

Anyhoo, the picture of this in my mind made me chuckle. You build a stock and trigger group that looks like a conventional gun, 'cept there's a battery in the stock and the trigger is electric. There's a slot at the front of the weapon, and two little wires sticking out. You take your Claymore, slide it into the slot, and connect the two wires. When you pull the trigger, the electric pulse goes into the mine, detonating it. And poof, or rather, BOOM!, you have a mega-shotgun, for hunting waterfoul one flock at a time. :D