Heaven help me, I've fallen for a Kimber!


New member
I've always been a DA/SA kind of guy. This weekend I attended a gunshow in Miami and stumbled accross a Kimber. Since the attendant wasn't paying attention, I got to fuss w/it quite a bit. Got to say, I was pretty impressed with the fit and finish. MOreover, I was really impressed by the trigger's responsiveness.

I think I'm going to re-evaluate my position regarding the 1911 platform and the idea of carrying C&L. I might even pick one up.

BTW, any thoughts on picking up a small 1911 chambered in 9mm? Yes, I know it is herressy and blasphemy to use the numbers 1911 and 9mm in the same sentence. ;) Still, It would get me the 1911 platform in a size suitable for carrying w/out the inherent inaccuracy of a small .45. Anyway, just a thought.
Everything is gonna be just fine.........;)
Get that 1911 they are great guns. I have 4 1911's. No Kimbers though:( YET!!!!!!
I think a Kimber has a great fit and finish also. Once you shoot a 1911 you will be blown away. They handle very well,and recoil is a slow heavy push. I have many guns. I have 2 Glocks a 19 and a 21. I have a Beretta 92F 9mm a SIG 220 .45acp. I have others as well,so I have shot a lot of guns and owned quite a few. Try a 1911,rent one if you can.
Also Cocked and Locked is perfectly safe. If you follow the rules and keep your finger off the trigger. Many will say that is un-safe. Not so. Try this with an UNLOADED 1911.
Be sure it's unloaded. Flip off the thumb safety and try to pull the trigger. It won't move. unless you flip off the safety and then depress the grip safety it will not fire.
It was designed to be carried C&L. It takes a little more training to be safe with is all.
Hope this helps.
1911s are the ****. I think Kimbers are especially awsome, only Springfield can even think of competing. Big time bang for the buck. 9mm? I've heard that a gun is always more accurate and reliable with the chambering it was intended/designed for. C&L carry is the way to go. I had my HK USP .45c Turned to V9. No decocker and safety only. I really think it's the best way.
The STI LS is what you're looking for! Here are the specs from STI's web site. It's a perfect little 9mm built on the 1911 platform.


What else can be said? These are the slimmest full power handguns on the market today. Only .765" across steel and 1.065" across wood. All 1911 controls including full size grip safety.

Aided by and undercut trigger guard and front strap STIppling, these firearms transfer most of the recoil to the heel of your hand so you get very little muzzle rise when you can least afford it.

Incorporated in this unique, self defense firearm, are STI's Patented trigger assembly and all the 1911 style trigger group parts. (except the mainspring and mainspring housing on the LS)

The LS9 and LS40 sport a 3.4" barrel and abbreviated grip for easy carry and concealment at less than 28 ounces.


Looks interesting. Got on the 1911 forum (strange, uncharted waters!) and read some negative reviews on the STI. Seems their quality control is lacking. Any input on this?
If you're talking about 1911forum.com, then the problem was mainly due to the conversion. That's usually the case with most 1911 problems. People like to tinker with them and when things are not done correctly, various problems come into play.

A majority of pistolsmiths will choose STI as the platform for raceguns. People that I personally know have nothing but positive things to say about their STI's. Their biggest complaint is usually the price for a finely tuned race gun :)

In addition, STI has one of the better customer service departments in the gun industry.
Small 1911's and accuracy

With one exception, my Kimber Ultra CDP is as accruate as any 9mm I've ever played with. (And that 9mm was an early production 92 which was better than any other out-of-the-box semi-auto that I've ever played with, including Colt National Matches. The Beretta belongs to my son-in-law and I put him on notice that I wanted that gun, but so far, after 15 years he still has it and I still want it.)
I would reccomend the STI. They are excellent guns. The Kimbers are okay but the ones I own and have shot leave a lot to be desired. I contacted Kimber about the problems I had with mine and never heard back from them so as far as I am concerned they are highly overated.
STI LS9 Quality?

Trolled through the 1911 forum and came accross generally good review of the LS9 but also came accross the following. Note, it was AFTER a conversion to .38 Super.:


i went to the range to break and sight it in. i fired about 125 rounds, then the gun went full auto!

i was shooting a power factor of only 155 with 147gr fmj bullets.

i took it to my gunsmith at his house. he put the hammer and sear on a trigger block (test engagement surfaces). they were so out of engagement that only one side of the sear was contacting the hammer!
my smith corrected it (he is very good) and we went right out to the range again as the sun was going down. i got through about three mags and it went full auto again!

we looked at the so called "tool steel" hammer and sear that sti says comes with the gun. the sear is definitely a cast part. you can see the porosity on both sides of the sear.


So, STI LS9 good product or not? Maybe I should post this as a seperate post?
I hate to say it, but I seriously doubt those charges(I'd read them before). I've seen several STI hammers and sears, none of them was anything those described. The LS series did have major magazine trouble early on, the shipping was stopped until a suitable magazine to ship with the pistol was found.
>inherent inaccuracy of a small .45

No disrespect but you're joking right? With my Kimber Ultra Carry in .45 ACP you can cover my 10 yard double taps with a quarter (usually both holes touch) and at 25 yards the little guy shoots just fine.

Buy what ever turns you on, just don't sell yourself short thinking that little .45's can't hit what you're aiming at.
Go on, you know you want it. You know you are going to get it anyway, regardless of what the people here tell you. You are no longer thinking rationally, you are in love.

The only way to get over this affliction is to plunk down the cash, take the gun home, and fondle it until your heat is content. It is okay. Everybody here has been thourgh this and nobody will ridicule you.

I love my Kimber, fit, finish, and reliability are all wonderfull. But what really got me was the trigger! Which model were you playing with?
To Sholling:

My limited experience w/full size 45s has been favorable but have never shot a compact 45. I based my statement on what I've read in other threads on TFL. From what I gather, the inherent inaccuracy comes from the small size of the weapon. Perhaps you don't find this an issue. Perhaps I won't either. At this point though it is an issue because others (w/presumably more experience) have raised it as an issue.

To IamNOTaNut:

Yeah, you're right, I do want it. But, I've been wanting a carry gun in a larger caliber for a while. My big issue is that I hate tupper guns, DAO, striker-fired weapons. Given that I know very little about 1911s I think I want to fire some first. I've got a friend w/a Springfield Armory Compact or Ultra Compact, not sure which. His BTW is chambered in 45. Guess I better give him a call and arrange an afternoon at the range.
...Generally, the "inaccuracy" of a small 45 ACP (or any other shorty handgun) is due to the lessened sight radius.
The 45 ACP is an accurate cartridge, as are most current cartridges.
Bob...who loves his Kimber :)
p.s. Like any man-made product, there will be the occasional lemon. I'd hazard a guess that the Kimber you fondled will be just fine.