Hearings on Executive orders this week


Moderator Emeritus

Ron Paul is da man!!!
Clinton power
vs. Net power
2 hearings on executive
orders this week

By Sarah Foster
© 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

Suddenly everybody is talking about executive orders:
Those arcane documents President Clinton has been
signing where he uses his pen to set national policy and
essentially rule by fiat -- bypassing Congress and, say
critics, running roughshod over our constitutional rights
and freedoms.

The White House doesn't deny the charge. It's proud of
the strategy of going over the heads of Congress.

"Stroke of the pen, law of the land, kinda cool," said
former Clinton supporter Paul Begala.

But now, after several years of simply complaining or
looking the other way, Congress is exerting itself. Two
hearings are scheduled this week, both dealing with
executive orders -- a topic that hasn't been studied by
that body for 20 years.

Part of the credit appears due to the Liberty Study
Committee, a newly formed group of 14 congressmen
and eight legislators -- founded by Rep. Paul, R-Tex. --
who are using the Internet to carry the fight for
American liberties and national sovereignty to the outer
limits of cyberspace and into the halls and offices of

A recent success by the committee was the defeat of
the National ID card, a proposal first reported in

A House committee announced last week it would hold
a hearing on legislation introduced by Paul, which would
curb the president's ability to make laws by executive
order. The Separation of Powers Restoration Act, HR
2655, will be heard tomorrow by the Judiciary's
Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law,
chaired by Rep. George Gekas, R-Penn. Six witnesses
are scheduled to testify, including Reps. George
Metcalf, R-Wash., and Bob Barr, R-Ga.

Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde, R-Ill.,
issued the formal statement for Paul to speak on behalf
of his legislation.

"The American public has grown increasingly weary of
the use of executive orders, as presidents have used
them to bypass Congress and legislate from the Oval
Office," says Paul, describing his bill. "Presidents must
be able to direct their employees, but this power must
be closely confined by the laws which they are
constitutionally and legislatively empowered to execute."

The unexpected scheduling came just days after
WorldNetDaily publicized Paul's bill and the project by
the Liberty Study Committee to provide Americans
with a conduit for communicating, via the Internet,
directly with their representatives and senators in
Congress. The scheduling may have been prompted, at
least in part, by the influx of e-mails to Congress asking
representatives to support legislation that would curtail
the president's ability to legislate by executive order.

This was made possible by a special website whereby
constituents could contact their representatives quickly,
with minimum effort.

Kent Snyder, executive director for the Liberty Study
Committee, said it is "highly unusual" for a bill like HR
2566 to be scheduled so quickly.

"This is great news," he said. "The issue of executive
orders is something that has not been discussed in a
congressional setting for many years, so this is a first
step. It's the first opportunity our side has had to
present information in a legislative hearing -- and we'll
be taking full advantage of that."

In his view, "The scheduling at this time proves our
effort is working and shows the effectiveness of the
Internet. We get our website in place, 4,000 messages
come into Congress about executive orders, and we get
two congressional hearings in one week -- one for a bill
that nobody had heard about or paid attention to.
We're doing something right."

But Snyder had a few words of caution. "Overall, I'm
optimistic about the opportunity here. We will have a
great chance to present the issue, then present the
legislative solution which is HR 2655.

"But we are definitely aware that while it is an
opportunity for us, it's also an opportunity for our foes
to cut us off at the knees. The administration knows
there is a an active political action group out there that's
been sending letters and messages. There is a website
that people who are active and informed are using.

"You can figure that our foes would do one of two
things: Either dismiss the issue and the people and hope
they'll go away, or take action -- cut us off at the knees.
They could use this hearing to do that in some way.
They may try to seize the chance to kill the legislation.

"That is why we are very much on alert to the possibility
of our foes taking the opportunity to cut this issue down
and shut it off."

The second hearing -- which is being heard today -- is
an informational one by the Rules Committee's
Subcommittee on Legislative and Budget Process,
chaired by Rep. Porter Goss, R-Fla.

"The purpose of the hearing is to review the process,
guidelines and legal authorities of executive orders and
assess their impact on the legislative process," said
Goss. "Executive orders by this and any president can
encroach on the lawmaking authority of the Congress."

Virginia attorney William J. Olson, one of several
witnesses scheduled to testify at today's subcommittee
hearing, is elated at the recent interest in the subject of
presidential power grabbing. An article by Olson titled
"Executive Orders and National Emergencies:
Presidential Power Grab Nearly Unchecked," was
publicized by WorldNetDaily in January. The article
had appeared as an eight-page legal report of the
Abraham Lincoln Foundation, a non-profit, public
policy organization in Washington, D.C. The article and
others is posted on Olson's website.

That article was the genesis of a 30-page in-depth study
Olson and attorney Alan Woll, recently completed for
the Cato Institute, a non-profit "think tank," in

Commenting on the hearing, Olson described the timing
of events this week as "providential."

"There's the Cato Institute bringing out this study in the
same week that two congressional subcommittees are
looking at the very issue we wrote about. Can you
believe it? There's been no interest in this since the
mid-'70s, and now we have two hearings in one week."

Olson said the hearing he is testifying, "They'll be
looking at the issue of separation of powers and the
proper role of the executive branch.

"That's a nice counterpoint to the legislative hearing on
Thursday," he noted. "One day we look at the
touchstone of the Constitution and the next day we look
at specific proposals to correct the relationship between
the legislative and executive branches as it's become."

How great a role did the Internet -- and in particular the
executiveorders.org website play in developing a
climate for the hearings?

According to Jennifer Millerwise, media contact for
Goss, the holding of such a hearing was not "spurred on
by any outside influence," such as an e-mail campaign.

"We've been planning on having a hearing on executive
orders since the beginning of this Congress," she said.
"It was part of our oversight plan of the Rules
Committee. It's taken a lot of research and work to
come together and it happens to be the time we were
prepared to have it."

The scheduling of the hearing tomorrow may have been
a surprise to some of the Goss staffers.

"We found out the Judiciary Committee was having a
hearing at the same time -- they sort of tripped over
each other. But it was not a coordinated effort, though it
happened to be a goal that both of the committees have
had since the beginning of the year."

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

October 26, 1999

Presidential Power Grab
by U.S. Representative Ron Paul (Texas)

Do you want our military to be moved under the United Nations’ command without
congressional approval? Do you know that a change in policy now requires our
military to absorb a nuclear first strike and only retaliate afterward? Representative
Jack Metcalf served in the U.S. Army, and I was an Air Force flight surgeon, and
as members of the U.S. House of Representatives we think these are terrible

Unfortunately, Presidential Decision Directive 25 (PDD 25) takes the matter of
U.S. troops in U.N. operations completely out of the hands of Congress. And PDD
60 replaces the proven deterrence of our launch-on-warning policy with a new
policy requiring the U.S. military to take a hit the Pentagon brass will probably
know is coming, retaliating afterward. PDD 25 and PDD 60 are classified and the
exact texts have not been made available even when requested by members of
Congress, but from the "summary" of each PDD we have been allowed to see and
sources familiar with the actual documents, that is what they appear to say.

And we don’t want the White House to implement international treaties that are
bad for America. By law, the president must submit international agreements to
the U.S. Senate for advice and consent, and two-thirds of the senators must
concur. Some treaties, like the so-called "treaty on global warming," are so costly
and unfair to Americans that President Clinton is actually afraid to submit them to
the U.S. Senate out of fear the senators won’t go along.

In fact, President Clinton wrote Executive Order 13107 (EO 13107) so he could
implement such treaties on his own…and we don’t like that either. It certainly is

Something is awfully wrong with these executive orders (PDDs are really just a
fancy category of EOs). True, executive orders have a place in running the routine
business of the executive branch and seeing that laws passed by Congress are
duly executed. It is a president’s expansion of that limited authority in order to do
things he could never get accomplished through the legitimate legislative process
that has given us the crises we see today. Today, if President Clinton wants a law
he knows the peoples’ duly-elected representatives won’t pass, all he does is
write an EO or PDD and it "becomes law." Isn’t that what an old-fashioned king
would do…ignore the constitutional limits on his authority and rule by edict?

Some of us have had enough. That’s why Jack Metcalf and I recently introduced
H.R. 2655 in the U.S. House of Representatives. We call the bill The Separation
of Powers Restoration Act, and if it passes, it will stop this president and future
presidents from trying to run our country as though they had been elected king.

It’s a mistake, though, to place all the blame for this abuse of power on any single
president. Congress and the courts have stood by while the misuse of executive
orders has grown to gigantic proportions. That’s why succeeding presidents have
been tempted to see how much more they can get away with, until there are now
over 13,000 executive orders on the books! Congress just isn’t paying attention.

When Congress is asleep at the switch, it’s up to the public to send them a
wake-up call. In order for Representative Metcalf and I to get our legislation
brought to the floor of the House for debate, we are asking every citizen who
shares our concern to contact their own representative and ask him or her to
become a co-sponsor. Thanks to the Internet, that’s a lot easier than it used to be.
Just go to www.ExecutiveOrders.org and follow the simple instructions to see if
your congressman is already a co-sponsor of H.R. 2655, and if not, press a button
to tell them to get on board. If you don’t have Internet access at home or at the
office, try your local library.

What the president is doing with these EOs and PDDs is just un-American, there’s
no other way to put it. A chief complaint American colonists made against King
George before the Revolutionary War was that he took powers that were not
rightfully his, and then as king, used those powers to the disadvantage of the
people. How is that different from what the president is doing now? If you go to
www.ExecutiveOrders.org and find your representative is not a co-sponsor of H.R.
2655, will you ask him that question?

It’s time to send Congress a wake-up call!

Ron Paul, M.D., is a member of Congress from Texas.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Yeah, makes me want to move to Texas just so I can vote for him. Glad I joined this organization.

Peace through superior firepower...

If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."
Aaaah, Longhair,

Welcome to the "I-Don't-Know-How-DC-Does-It-But-God-Bless-Her Club!".

(Okay, here's your membership card, your little lapel button, a short welcoming letter, a list of our future meetings, your Rosie targets, and some other good stuff.)

:) DC, you ARE a jewel!
I have been a card carrying member of I-Don't-Know-How-DC-Does-It-But-God-Bless-Her Club! since October of 98.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
The thought has been in my mind for quite awhile, but I reckon I finally needed to let it air publicly :)
Thanks for the card and pin. I'll be waiting for my newletter. :D
BTW, send a bunch of them there Rosie targets. I feel I'm in the need for a lot of practice ;)

By all means, do correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't an executive order decreed by the President come up for reiview every 90 days or is it that there is 90 days to contest the decree if congress so chooses. If either of these are true, congress could have stopped clinton in his tracks long ago. I applaud Ron Paul and he may be defying the laws of nature by being a politician with true concerns about others besides himself and his financial portfolio. If it were not for Mr. Paul, none of this would have even been considered I suspect.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
I believe that the amount of time available to stop a EO is two weeks not three months. They never come up for review. to the best of my knowlage.
Still I agree 2 weeks would have been long enough to stop many of the EOs had the Congress had the will to do so. Just remember which Congress you are talking about.
Maybe if we had Screamed at them every time a new EO was signed, they MIGHT have stopped it. But then if you are like me often you don't even know about a new EO until a month after it was signed.
Thanks guys :)

Will, Ray...
There isn't any fanfare when EO's are signed as there is when bills are passed.
An EO is signed and printed in the Federal Register...if not challenged within 30 days by Congress, it becomes law...as valid and binding as a bill passed by Congress.

Clinton has signed many of his EO's while away on his foreign junkets, without fanfare. At some later time they are printed in the Federal Register.

Historically, there were no problems with EOs. They fit within the legitimate powers of the Presidency, because they were used predominately to direct federal employees in carrying out their duties.
Nowhere in the Constitution is the President specifically given the authority to issue EOs. Unfortunately, the federal courts have improperly ruled that EOs have the force and effect of law. The balance of separate but equal branches is at stake if the President is allowed to wield super legislative powers, by issuing EOs that require the expenditure of federal funds without the consent of Congress.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Hasn't the Republican wing of the Democratic party even challenged Clinton's Unconstitutional Executive Orders???

Until Libertarian Ron Paul dared to do so?
Thinking positively, how do you UNDO an existing EO?

I think I read a while back that some of the older, obsolete ones were taken off the books, but I haven't heard what kind of legal
mechanism they (Congress) used.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.

Yikes!! I was intending to edit my own post...mea culpa :) DC

[This message has been edited by DC (edited October 29, 1999).]
I don't know how the Court deals with them...I've not come across a Supreme Court challenge or strikedown of an EO....Constitutional compatibility or otherwise

Excluding the Court...1)Congress has to pay attention to the Federal Register and act timely;
2)they can protest and raise a stink and intimidate the Pres, like they did one time before to Clinton and spook him into recscinding it 3) a subsequent President can write an EO that abolishes a current EO

Sorry Dennis, I posted too soon

Yeah, the current Congress did back Clinton off and made him negate one...I'm sorry to say I forgot which one, but it was signed during one of his Euro junkets and knowledge was released on the Net....basically folks like us found out and informed Congress. I posted on it about 8-9 months ago.....I think (but don't hold me to it) that it was a banking deal...the "Know your Customer". Anyway, it was about that time that Barr and Paul became an Internet protectors

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

[This message has been edited by DC (edited October 29, 1999).]
The House has adjourned for the week. Anyone know if they had the hearings, and if so, what, if anything, came of them?
Here is the latest from LibertyStudy

November 1, 1999

Dear friend of liberty,

Two U.S. House subcommittees held hearings last
week on the subject of executive orders. The
Committee on Rules, Subcommittee on Legislative
and Budget Process held a hearing on Wednesday,
October 27. The purpose of this committee's
hearings was to have a general discussion on
the overall subject of presidential executive

There were no Democratic members of the
subcommittee that attended. A staff person
told me that an invitation was sent to the White
House asking them to send a witness but they
declined. Each of the four subcommittee members
who spoke during the hearing mentioned that they
have been hearing from their constituents about
this subject. The first panel of witnesses
essentially said we have few reasons to worry.
William Olson gave an excellent presentation
during his panel and said that we, in fact, have
many reasons to worry.

The Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on
Commercial and Administrative Law held a
legislative hearing on Thursday, October 28.
Their purpose was to discuss H.Con.Res. 30 and
H.R. 2655. Rep. Jack Metcalf and Rep. Ron Paul
each gave a compelling presentation.
Unfortunately, only two of the 12-subcommittee
members attended.

The subject of executive orders is without
question being discussed in Congress. We have
to make sure that the legislative solution to
this grave constitutional problem is also
approved by Congress. I will send another
update soon that will present our next step.

If you haven't recently read the media items
posted on our executive orders Web site, please
go to http://www.executiveorders.org > Media.

For an excellent analysis of H.R. 2655 by William
Olson, please go to http://www.libertystudy.org >
Legislation > Legislation That Protects our Liberty.

Kent Snyder
Executive Director

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Here I go. This issue of the many Klinton EO's passed in the last 7 years has been on shortwave radio for several years and NO WHERE ELSE until recently. Our "great" congress has 30 days to overrule the Presidents EO's and they did it ONLY ONCE in tyhe last 7 years. It was a recent EO pertaining to loss of states rights:number 3380 i believe. It was a freak victory and does anyone here believe this congress will undue 7 years of one man rule? I am afraid Santa Claus doesnt exist and neither does a patriotic Congress. Like Jack Webb used to say:"only the facts" And the facts show a spineless congress scared out of their wits by Klinton and his police forces. Its recess time for Congress!