Hearing protection for a new born?


New member
My wife and I have a new baby and we would like to go to the range and shoot some trap. Since we need one shooter and one to pull, we need some hearing protection for our two month old daughter. We will also go to Colorado in September for antelope and elk in november, as well as the requesite deer hunting near home throughout the fall. Has anyone had any experience with this. Any suggestions?
Conventiaonal wisdom says a babbysitter is the ultimate answer. Barring that, earplugs & a reasonalble distance from the firing line make a lot of sense. Happy hunting, M2
Thanks for the suggestion. We have already thought of the babysitter, but currently the local prospects look rather bleak. Also, hunting and shooting are very important parts of our life and we would like to have our daughter remember this from her earliest days. On the other hand, I am very concerned about possible hearing loss. I have lost about 40% of my hearing in my left ear due to the BOSS (its ringing now).