hearing protection ear muffs


New member
Which brand and model do you like the best and what is the reason for the ones that use batteries? I plan on using the throw out foam ones underneath.

Thanks all.
I started a post on this recently in the accessories section, so you'll get a lot of ideas there. The ones with batteries are designed to "kick in" the protection when noises over 85 dB occur. For quieter noises it will not block it so you can carry on a conversation while wearing them and hear other sounds that are at a reasonable level.
The electronic ones are great unless you are at a busy range. I usually turn them off then, as they are on and off way to much.
Some of the old timers wear them for watching TV;)
Some of the higher end electronic hearing protection out there, from companies like Peltor, are actually incredibly effective at blocking out higher decibel sounds while maintaining and in some cases amplifying your ability to hear lower decibel sounds like someone speaking to you for example. They aren't really necessary as typical foam ear plugs or standard ear muffs work just fine. Electronic hearing protection can be a nice feature to have though as it can allow you to hear people speaking much easier while remaining on the range while still protecting your ears from the guns going off in the background. However, I have not used electronic protection at an indoor range, so I'm not too sure how it fairs in that type of environment.
The Points above are all excellent, But to answer the first question, which brand and model do I like the best.

I have been for many years a fan of the Peltor, both electronic and non-electronic

For Pistol shooting (and stationary rifle shooting) I prefer the Peltor TAC7
Large, but excellent quality.

I currently use the Leight Sport muffs - http://www.copquest.com/44-3000.htm

These amplify sounds in the environment and simply shut-off when sound above a certain db threshold is received. There's another high-end brand of electronic muffs by MSA named 'Supreme Pro' that use gain limiting. These don't shut-off, they process incoming sound so that it doesn't exceed a certain db level. The Leights are about $50, IIRC the MSA's are about $350.

The primary reason that I chose electronic muffs is that I shoot competitively and want to be sure that I'm able to hear line commands and converse with people.

The Leights are thinner than many alternatives which make them a good choice for rifle shooting. But they don't offer the same protection as a thicker muff. I double-plug when the situation warrants.

Also check-out the formable silicon plugs that are available. I'd tried the foam one's but found them uncomfortable under ear muffs.

I am using Pro-Ears and I think they are better than other brands in terms of technology. They will not just shut off the muff. In fact, they will lower the higher & dangerous volumn down and higher the low volumn up.


This is what I capped from their site:

What is the difference between the PRO EARS and other brands of protection/amplification?

PRO EARS workmanship, technology and electronics are far superior to any other models currently being offered. While others are just now offering circuitry that is, at best, inferior to our original and outdated 'LE' models, we have advanced the electronics in our DIMENSION and Predator Series in a multitude of ways.

A. First, we are the only company to offer true, Dynamic Level Sound Compression. While others claim to offer 'compression' technology, they are in fact offering old technology such as 'Peak Clipping', which merely shuts off the electronics when presented with a high noise level or 'Automatic Level Control', which reacts to high noise levels by lowering the volume. 'Peak Clipping' just turns the amplification off so nothing is heard. ALC does not 'compress' the dangerous sound levels and raise softer sounds, therefore, the ability to hear lower sound levels during an instance of high sound levels is defeated. Only Ridgeline's 'DLSC' technology protects hearing while at the same time allows the wearer to hear lower sounds. DLSC instantly reacts to 'compress' all noises over the 70 dB threshold by 50% to a safe level and amplifies all sounds below that to 70 dB.

B. Our Attack/Recovery Time is the fastest in the industry at 1.7 milliseconds. Others are as long as 20 milliseconds.

C. Our sound quality (now audiophile quality) is the clearest, most natural ever offered and you can tell the difference as soon as the units are turned on. While others sound 'tinny' or muffled, PRO EARS are clear and natural.

D. Our models are lighter and our adjustable, padded headbands and special replaceable Sealing Rings make PRO EARS the most comfortable to wear.

E. Each cup has its own set of independent electronics and controls so each may be adjusted separately. This eliminates the need for connecting wires running across the top of the headset to snag or break.

F. We use a lighter, smaller, less-expensive 'N' battery that provides longer life than the 9 volt, AA or AAA batteries used by our competitors. PRO EARS get a minimum of 200 hours battery life while some competitive products get only 45 to 50 hours. The reason for our longer battery life is due to the superior Surface Mount Technology of our circuit boards and the fact that we have no power robbing wires running across the top that cause electrical resistance.

G. We stand behind our quality with the industry's longest Warranty. Five (5) Full Years of Warranty protection for all Dimension Series models. A Warranty that is five times longer than the standard.

There are many more improvements in the Dimension series including programmable (in the field) sensitivity and gain settings, upgraded speakers, sturdier battery compartments and "N" size batteries that are smaller, less expensive with longer life than the competitions.

A Sampling of the Competition:

The Peltor Tac 6 uses 'Analog Peak Clipping' technology, which is a technology that's been around for many years. When sounds/noises exceed 82 dB around the user, the Peltor Tac 6 circuitry shuts down (off) electronically. The circuitry will not return to normal operation until the sound/noise level drops below 82 dB. The Attack Time of this unit is 5 Milliseconds. The effect is a clipping on and off. At a shooting range or any area which has a high noise level, the unit will be constantly turning off (clipping) because of this high level of ambient noise. In fact, if the ambient noise level exceeds 82 dB, the electronics simply stay shut off. The NRR of the Peltor Tac 6 is 19.

The Peltor Tac 7 uses the same circuitry discussed above, only with a single volume control that is connected to the opposite ear cup by a wire. The obvious disadvantage of this arrangement is adjustability of both sides in the event the wearer has hearing loss in one or both ears. The NRR on the Tac 7 is 24. The Attack Time is 5 Milliseconds. We have also been advised the battery life is 45 to 50 hours max.

Silencio uses the same 'Analog Peak Clipping' technology as the Peltor units. There are, however, a few differences. Most notably, the Attack Time is 20 milliseconds… ten times slower than the PRO EARS DIMENSION Series. Note that the 20 millisecond attack time occurs at the beginning of the shut down as well as the recovery time. The threshold for responding to a loud noise is 90 dB, well above the danger level.

Since PRO EARS is the acknowledged leader in the field of electronic hearing protection/amplification systems, our competitors have, in an effort to appear equal, taken our product descriptions, trademarked copy and slogans and slightly altered them to make themselves look better. While they use terms such as 'Automatic Gain' and 'Compression' to describe their products they, in fact, offer neither. It is up to you, the consumer, to study each product before buying to ensure you are getting exactly what you are being sold. Our reputation, overall quality, advanced technology and our eagerness to stand behind every product we sell is notice to all. At RidgeLine, Inc., we are "Colorado Made - USA Proud' and we are the only company that can make that claim.

Enjoy your shootings:D
Electronic Ears

I alway double up indoors and often outdoors if the rifle guys are practicing. I find the electronic ears most useful for competition. I can hear the SO's commands very clearly while still being protected. I turn mine off during busy general shooting days at the range, as the constant barrage makes the cut out feature almost useless.

Question: Which electronic ears are most resistant to rain?
