Hearing Protection Act Dead


New member
With Paul Ryan postponing the vote on the Hearing Protection Act indefinitely it looks to be dead in the water. All because some lunatic mass murderer.
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The long and the short of it is having a vote on it now will cost Second Amendment supporters lots of political capital and the bill will still be filibustered in the Senate to the same end. It makes sense to wait for a more opportune time to have this battle and SHARE Act will definitely be back.
That's what happens in the parliament of whores, Congress.

They don't give a crap what voters want, it's all about the people that donate to keep them in office.
Nathan, suppressors are already legal to own in most states its, just a pia to deal with all the hoops to jump through.

I thought we were getting somewhere finally with the HPA but now our sport just got set back many years again. I'm tired of fighting these a $$ hats that think they know whats best for me.
Suppressors have always been legal with legal and administrative hurdles. Many folks believe they will be like James Bond if they have one with the ability to be whisper silent. Fact is silencers dampen the sound to the noise of a fire engine.

In Europe they require silencers because they want to reduce noise pollution. So people living miles out dont have to hear the sound of the hunt. However, if you are football fields away you will be hearing it.

The new legislation will make the process easier and less expensive to get one. It will also help reduce noise pollution.
But it will be spun (with the help of the media) to make it sound like the next mass murderer or gangbanger will be buying these and committing mass executions quietly and not getting caught
Yea, sorry for the poor wording. Of course suppressors are legal, but highly taxed and hard to buy....similar to pre-86 automatics.
The reality is gangbangers dont use silencers. In fact, the local gangbangers enjoy using cheap revolvers as it doesnt leave any brass behind which could be used as evidence. The mass murderers, maniacs and terrorists have never used silencers although they have used many other forms of weaponry and explosives such as large pressure cooker bombs. Their interests are clearly not one of stealth or concealment and even the best silencers wont give you that anyway.

The only people I know of who contemplate the use of silencers are hunters and their interest is hearing protection as their big bore rifles have so much bark that even good hearing protection doesnt work.