Heard on the radio today: National Guard to close some Interstates end of december?


New member
I heard on the Clay Douglas show today that the national Guard will close some interstate highways around the 28th of December. This information was given to the petroleum companies i n order that they may reroute their delivery trucks on alternate or back roads. Clay Douglas, the publisher of the "Free American Magazine", is very accurate in digging out the truth. We know the Guard will be on duty just before the new year and this would make sense to close certain highways to keep masses bottled up in the cities if power goes out in certain areas. And ,according to the Navy Marine report of 120 cities and their water and power rediness, many cities will not be ready for Y2k. Dont kill the messenger. I am only reporting what I see and hear. Whats your opinion? Will many cities and large towns lose water and or power?80 days left!
Well, when it snows in RI, the roads get closed for a while, but that ain't the bigger problem... It'd be the panic run on toilet paper, milk & bread... What's that all about, huh?

[This message has been edited by Mykl (edited October 12, 1999).]
Well, no power means no milk no bread, no toilet paper also. People will be running around in the dark. Not a pretty sight . I was in Quebec years ago when Hydroquebec went down in the province for I believe 8 hours. We were lucky not to be in the cities because there were riots in Montreal. and we all know what happened in the New york blackout not that long a go. The National Guard will be mobilized for the first time since WWII this December.
Any particular hotspots or is this supposed to be a countrywide IS shutdown?

Can you get any more info?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
If there's a blizzard on Highway 80 (between Sacramento to Reno) and CalTrans (CA Dept. of Transportation) can't keep it open, somembody better close it or there'll be a lot of frozen bodies littering the roadside.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
If they close they high ways for one reason or another - there are other roads - Ivans post mentioned rerouting. Well, if a truck can go alt route = why not my Van?

Kodiac is not too worried - Kodiac has lots of food and stuff in his den... Kodiac is a happy bear. Kodiac advocates preperation for the worst, yet hope for the best.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Kodiac is not too worried - Kodiac has lots of food and stuff in his den... Kodiac is a happy bear. Kodiac advocates preperation for the worst, yet hope for the best.

Longhair agrees with Kodiac. Longhair is gonna kick back and see what happens!

Spectre and Spartacus will be hunting in small-town GA...Nothing happens, we have a good time. Something happens, we have a good time. No problem! ;)
I missed calling in to Clays show today. I did hear that the national guard would have to close some Interstates just as a matter of fact since they will be mobilized for this period and would need thre ability to move quickly if they have.Remember the reason for the creation of the Interstate System in the first place? military use as the first priority.I am sure we will be hearing more about these rerouting meetings of the petroleum companies.By the way, for you all in Texas I heard on the David K. Smith show that Texas has a independent grid system that will have no problems during Y2k. It seems Texas is not connected to the rest of the country as far as the power grids are concerned. When i used to visit my uncle in Texas years ago he used to say that Texas was self supporting.Prophetic words as we near Y2k.
Dunno about Texas being independent of other states in the electric grid. Saw a map not long back indicating otherwise. Don't remember the details, but we're intertied...
From what I heard of grid there are four that handle the whole US, and that One is needed to restart another, if they all go down good night. Better to be prepared just in case, hell, here in Kali it could be a quake, a court verdict, a chinese nuke on LA, or just another drive by.

The beauty of the second Amendment is that it is not needed until they try to take it. T JEFFERSON
The grids do not just cover the US, but parts of Mexico and Canada as well. If their systems go belly up they will be supported by the American grid, if it stays up.

When a single transformer in Oklahoma (if I remember right) went down some years ago it shut down areas of the western US, western Canada and some of Mexico for a brief time.
If I am not mistaken, the Interstate Highway system was established during the Eisenhower administration for the rapid transport and deployment of military equipment and personnel. Those like myself who were transplanted into urban areas for economic reasons but maintain a rural dwelling in their native surroundings should be familiar with the shortest route via State and County Roads to said place of refuge. Additionally, it would be prudent to identify retail establishments owned by individuals along these alternate paths forming buying relationships with the proprietors for the acquisition of food stuffs, fuel,repairs and medicine during times of unexpected need. Dropping in on these places of commerce during various times of the year with free firewood, fresh vegetables, or other forms of barter would not be a bad idea. Heck, what do I know. That's just how countryfolks do things. What do they know?

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
RE Electric grid

Ozzie is right...as well about 3-4 yrs ago there was that massive forest fire in Wash state near Canada....knocked out power down in the Pacific states to Mexico and east to Kansas. The grid is all connected.

Let's also keep aware that Ivan is saying premptive road closures by the Guard. I've never heard of the Guard closing roads in winter until something happens...massive accidents or storms. Not saying his info is right, but he isn't talking about regular winter closures.

That said....I'm all set for holing up...plenty of propane, firewood, deer and lots o chiles. Beer isn't stockpiled yet ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
You know when I see more and more of these stories, its beginning to form a hunch that deep down in my little lizard brain that something big is going to happen.
Its like all the pieces are starting to be put in place.
And what is worse is that Clinton is still there...
Yes, I agree that the fact Big Comrade and his Regime is still in power next year is something to worry about. He has shown in 7 years a series of rash acts against basically the whole world including our nation.And what makes it worse is that our Congress has let him get away with all these brutalities against the people. These hundreds ofExecutive orders combined with the FDR War powers act of the thirties has me and others concerned if there are Y2k problems. Excuse for a creation of a new Cromwell,but a ungodly and evil "Cromwell"?
DC has its problems. The studlette in the white office is probably dreaming of a worst case scenario to remain in office, but it won't happen. There are too many people in DC that will stand up to that kind of crap.
Yes Ma'am, just the facts Ma'am:

There is a National Guard in every state.

The Governor of each state controls the respective state NG via the State Adjutant General.

The NG is routinely called upon to support disaster control and remediation.

There are and have been for many years the contingency plans to implement various aspects of disaster control and remediation.

Y2K has been touted to be a potential problem that may impact the distribution of critical resources, such as fuel, food, water, medical supplies & etc to our diverse population centers and rural areas.

I'd be damned unhappy with MY government if there were NOT sufficient planning in place to remediate such distribution problems and ensure folks get the necessities of life.

Since the potential disruption of some goods and services by Y2K has been acknowledged at the highest levels of our national government and by those of other nations, then it stands to reason we may see the NG become federalized to shore-up and ensure the viability of the national infrastructure.

I don't see a problem with this, nor do I see it as a vehicle to the goals of any conspiracy.

HOWEVER, Ivan has brought to light a very good point. We are a people that has grown used to having information and communication at our fingertips, world news to the Nth degree at the press of a button, global weather in seconds, reviews of the best place to eat and the new videos coming out.

The point being, what will happen when we DON'T have this electronic marvel of technologies available to assuage our fears and tell us things are okie-dokie.

Consider, the potential need to implement rolling brownouts or blackouts of grid portions for the purpose of distributing remaining power to hospitals, and pumping stations, and municipal water and sewage operations? Will we panic when we can't click onto TFL, or CNN, or the shortwave or the HAM-radio net? Can't dial on Ma Bell or the CEL' cause there ain't no juice at the switching station? I got batteries and a handheld CB, plus dug my old CB out of the back of the garage and am gonna put it back into my truck... What're you gonna do to stay "in the net" and abreast of what is going on?

"If you really want to know what's going on;
then, you have to follow the money trail."
I asked a good source of mine today, who works for a top Republican and i cant devulge who or who my source is, about the national guard and the highways and about martial law and the detention camps. He says that the guard wont block the roads and that Klinton doesnt dare try martial law because the armed masses wont stand for it and that such actions by Klinton would be a disaster. He did mention that there are detention camps that may be used for rioters if there is trouble during Y2k. This source also mentoned that it was very important to stop the test ban treaty Klinton tried to force down Americas throat. Even the spineless Trent Lott opposed klinton on this treacherous treaty. But my friend did say that Klinton has really hurt our military in his 7 years as El Presidente(down to ten divisions,300 ships, many pilots leaving, secrets sold to China)Let us pray hard that Klinton leaves office and that we are not attacked by some foreign power during our weak military position.