heard on the noon news today


New member
The House has passed "watered down" gun control proposal (deals with gun shows), Clinton "Unhappy".

Major differences between House and Senate "product", a House-Senate Conference Committee might be in the offing. These are very strange things, all sorts of "stuff" goes on within.

Continued attention remains paramount.

Clintons' happiness is inversely proportional to mine.

To be or not to be-that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them.
Yeah, the Traitor-In-Chief is crying about how the NRA is more powerful than him.

F***in' waah.

KILO 94.3 in Colorado Springs has a couple of morning DJs who can't stand WJC, and they were just tearing into him this morning. Made my day.

That, plus listening to Godsmack on my way to work.

"We are going to fight. We are going to be hurt.
But in the end, we will stand."
--Roland Deschain
What ever makes the Clinton's unhappy,makes me very happy. Does that make me a bad person?

Keep the Faith and the Constitution
JHS: Yes, you're bad. BAD! NAUGHTY! Go stand in the corner; Bill will be over his Correctional Tool presently:

UKGrad: Yes, Roland is Stephen King's Gunslinger. A good guy who (gasp!) carries a gun. Incredible, ain't it?

"We are going to fight. We are going to be hurt.
But in the end, we will stand."
--Roland Deschain
HR2122 is being voted on as I type this post. It has a much improved definition of "Gun Show", it allows for Nationwide CCW for off-duty and retired LEOs (setting strong precedent for National CCW reciprocity), and mandates a 24 hour limit on Background Checks at Gun Shows.

Get ready to contact congressmen assigned to the committee that will find a composite Bill between the SEnate version and House versions that shouldbe sent to the president.

Watch out for the committee liberals to remove teh retired LEO clause from the Cunningham Ammendment, lengthen the 24 hour background limit, use the stricter (bad) definition of "gun show" and try to add the Fienstien language to the hi-cap amendment which will outlaw the transfer of pre-ban mags.....
IF we keep those out, Clinton will likely veto the whole Bill, but even if he signs it, nothing really bad occurs, in fact, the CCW and Background check rules become Better!!


Screw it.. HR2122 was just defeated... Watch out for Conference committee members to add craziness (as noted above) to the Senate version for the uified Juvenile Justice Bill..but don't hope for any of the GOOD stuff to be added ...at this time anyway...



[This message has been edited by Rob (edited June 18, 1999).]
You had and showed faith, Rob...

I comend you for that.

I have lost all of mine and had no hope this would actually pass. I didn't want to be right on this one.

Sorry Dude...

Re Rob's post on HR 2122, how come only retired law enforcement people would get reciprocity??

In any case, the final votes have NOT been taken, and then there is that bit of business about The Conference Committee, where all sorts of strange things happen. A lot depends on who gets to sit on the committee.

We all need to keep our goals in mind, all the time, just like the "other side" does.

