Sounds like Allen must have his feet held to the fire all the time. Gimmie a match.
From an email:
Virginians - A Request from Gun Owners of America
From: Dennis Fusaro
Subject: Re: George Allen and Pending Federal Gun Control
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 10:51:32 -0400
[Please forward this to anyone who might benefit from this information and take action.]
Dear friends and associates:
Some of you are very active in the gun rights movement, and others in the more general conservative movement here in Virginia.
I want to let you know about my growing concerns with George Allen.
One of the reasons I am concerned about George Allen is the campaigns "sensitivity" to polls and liberal Republican elites.
If the grassroots is not weighing in and pressuring him, it is fair to say George Allen will move left on gun control. He has already done this on so-called "gun locks."
Another example is from 1995 during the fight to pass concealed carry reform. Some of his advisor were looking for a lowest-common-denominator concealed carry law that would limit the number of honest citizens who could get permits. When the grassroots mobilized the insider effort from the administration load the bill with anti-gun restrictions was largely stopped.
As a result Virginia's concealed carry law is much better than Texas's, for example, where a state with three times the population of Virgina has perhaps 50% more permits issued. The crime fighting benefit is thus greater in Virginia because armed citizens prevent crime very effectively.
One more example ocurred in 1993 when candidate George Allen held a press conference with Richard Cullen, a chief instigator of Doug Wilder's gun rationing law (One Gun A Month, or OGAM), and other Republican "shakers and movers." At that press conference George Allen said he wouldn't try to repeal (OGAM) and was "open minded" about banning semi-automatic firearms. (In the summer of 1993 George Allen was also pushing a plan to track handgun buyers.)
The next year, 1994, Governor Allen's legislative lobbyist, Jim Beamer, pressured Del. Frank Ruff and got him not to introduce a bill to repeal OGAM just as he was about to "lay it on" the Speaker's desk.
Now Chris LaCivita, George Allen's advance man, is floating "their poll results," in an obvious test to see if the grassroots will let them go softer on gun rights.
Their polling ignores the recent Zogby poll that showed a double digit advantage for a candidate who advocates enforcing existing gun laws over a candidate advocating passing new ones.
I have been trying to get George Allen to answer the Gun Owners of America Federal Cadidate Survey for months. Senators Orrin Hatch (UT) and Rick Santorum (PA) have done so. Other candidates are responding as I write.
The bottom line is that Allen and his advisors are not answering specific questions on pending federal issues -- gun rationing, Brady repeal, semi-suto bans, gun shows and more -- and soon GOA will have to turn up the heat.
Grassroots gun owners have a right to know what kind of candidate they are electing when it comes to gun rights. It does our rights and freedoms no good to elect someone who is not responsive to specific issues in an attempt to leave open the option of supporting new gun control laws.
Furthermore, A candidate refusing to clearly support the repeal existing anti-gun laws because he thinks gun owners have no place else to go can easily find trouble with the grassroots.
GOA mailed George Allen a survey with return receipt requested. Next I personally handed George Allen a survey at the Shad Planking.
I have made numerous calls requesting that they return the survey.
Sadly, in spite of gun rights being a winning issue on election day, George Allen's staff doesn't want this issue to "go public." On way to do this is to quickly answer the GOA survey.
Grassroots gun owners and voters rightfully should ask, "What are they hiding? Are they secretly preparing to adopt even more anti-gun positions?"
It seems Chirs LaCivita and Jay Timmons have forgotten the lessons from 1993.
I have made numerous attempts privately to get George Allen to answer his survey, and now the time has come to make a stand on this. In fact, I just called again today to give Chris and Jay the courtesy of seeing this e-mail before I sent it to you. I was told they were busy.
It is not a given that George Allen will vote right in the U.S. Senate if elected to serve there.
Dennis Fusaro
Gun Owners of America
Virginia Lobbyist
P.S. Grassroots gun owners should and must expect more from their candidates and elected officials. Many are becoming turned off by politicians who fear a bad day in the newspaper more than they fear the enactment of bad policy.
Allen Campaign Contact information:
Friends of George Allen
P.O. Box 573
Richmond, VA 23128
1-804-775-2000 voice
1-804-775-2592 fax
Allen Campaign
Or try:
Jay Timmons,
1-804-775-2000 voice
1-804-775-2592 fax
"The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside
the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light." (Romans 13:12)
From an email:
Virginians - A Request from Gun Owners of America
From: Dennis Fusaro
Subject: Re: George Allen and Pending Federal Gun Control
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 10:51:32 -0400
[Please forward this to anyone who might benefit from this information and take action.]
Dear friends and associates:
Some of you are very active in the gun rights movement, and others in the more general conservative movement here in Virginia.
I want to let you know about my growing concerns with George Allen.
One of the reasons I am concerned about George Allen is the campaigns "sensitivity" to polls and liberal Republican elites.
If the grassroots is not weighing in and pressuring him, it is fair to say George Allen will move left on gun control. He has already done this on so-called "gun locks."
Another example is from 1995 during the fight to pass concealed carry reform. Some of his advisor were looking for a lowest-common-denominator concealed carry law that would limit the number of honest citizens who could get permits. When the grassroots mobilized the insider effort from the administration load the bill with anti-gun restrictions was largely stopped.
As a result Virginia's concealed carry law is much better than Texas's, for example, where a state with three times the population of Virgina has perhaps 50% more permits issued. The crime fighting benefit is thus greater in Virginia because armed citizens prevent crime very effectively.
One more example ocurred in 1993 when candidate George Allen held a press conference with Richard Cullen, a chief instigator of Doug Wilder's gun rationing law (One Gun A Month, or OGAM), and other Republican "shakers and movers." At that press conference George Allen said he wouldn't try to repeal (OGAM) and was "open minded" about banning semi-automatic firearms. (In the summer of 1993 George Allen was also pushing a plan to track handgun buyers.)
The next year, 1994, Governor Allen's legislative lobbyist, Jim Beamer, pressured Del. Frank Ruff and got him not to introduce a bill to repeal OGAM just as he was about to "lay it on" the Speaker's desk.
Now Chris LaCivita, George Allen's advance man, is floating "their poll results," in an obvious test to see if the grassroots will let them go softer on gun rights.
Their polling ignores the recent Zogby poll that showed a double digit advantage for a candidate who advocates enforcing existing gun laws over a candidate advocating passing new ones.
I have been trying to get George Allen to answer the Gun Owners of America Federal Cadidate Survey for months. Senators Orrin Hatch (UT) and Rick Santorum (PA) have done so. Other candidates are responding as I write.
The bottom line is that Allen and his advisors are not answering specific questions on pending federal issues -- gun rationing, Brady repeal, semi-suto bans, gun shows and more -- and soon GOA will have to turn up the heat.
Grassroots gun owners have a right to know what kind of candidate they are electing when it comes to gun rights. It does our rights and freedoms no good to elect someone who is not responsive to specific issues in an attempt to leave open the option of supporting new gun control laws.
Furthermore, A candidate refusing to clearly support the repeal existing anti-gun laws because he thinks gun owners have no place else to go can easily find trouble with the grassroots.
GOA mailed George Allen a survey with return receipt requested. Next I personally handed George Allen a survey at the Shad Planking.
I have made numerous calls requesting that they return the survey.
Sadly, in spite of gun rights being a winning issue on election day, George Allen's staff doesn't want this issue to "go public." On way to do this is to quickly answer the GOA survey.
Grassroots gun owners and voters rightfully should ask, "What are they hiding? Are they secretly preparing to adopt even more anti-gun positions?"
It seems Chirs LaCivita and Jay Timmons have forgotten the lessons from 1993.
I have made numerous attempts privately to get George Allen to answer his survey, and now the time has come to make a stand on this. In fact, I just called again today to give Chris and Jay the courtesy of seeing this e-mail before I sent it to you. I was told they were busy.
It is not a given that George Allen will vote right in the U.S. Senate if elected to serve there.
Dennis Fusaro
Gun Owners of America
Virginia Lobbyist
P.S. Grassroots gun owners should and must expect more from their candidates and elected officials. Many are becoming turned off by politicians who fear a bad day in the newspaper more than they fear the enactment of bad policy.
Allen Campaign Contact information:
Friends of George Allen
P.O. Box 573
Richmond, VA 23128
1-804-775-2000 voice
1-804-775-2592 fax
Allen Campaign
Or try:
Jay Timmons,
1-804-775-2000 voice
1-804-775-2592 fax
"The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside
the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light." (Romans 13:12)