Heads up! 2013 Wyoming Resident Online Applications Due!


New member
Hey all, don't forget that tomorrow, May 31, is the last day to apply online for Wyoming Resident Hunting Licenses!

Just a heads up to the TFLers from the great state of WYO!

I was hoping to cross off Wyoming antelope on my bucket list and missed the non-res application date. What a bummer.
Does anyone know if there might be any hope left in getting left overs tags?

Usually, the only leftover tags for the areas with public access are of the doe-fawn variety. Contact the G&F Cheyenne office in mid June.

Some of the areas in the northeast and east portions of the state with limited access usually have leftover "any antelope" tags, but be sure to contact a land owner prior to purchasing one. It sucks to have a tag and no place to hunt!

Hope this helps!

BTW- today is the last day, residents!
Nimrod2 said:
I was hoping to cross off Wyoming antelope on my bucket list and missed the non-res application date. What a bummer.
Does anyone know if there might be any hope left in getting left overs tags?
The tag numbers are down for this year, in most of the public lands units (and reasonably-accessible private units). So, don't get your hopes up about getting a leftover tag. Just be sure to make the deadline next year.

Last year was TERRIBLE for Antelope tags. This year is much better, but still far short of average.
I hunt a public lands unit that had leftover tags all but one year out of the last decade (even nonresident tags). But, this year... I figure I have about a 2% chance of drawing my 2 Doe tags. I didn't even bother trying for a Buck tag...

Of course, you can always try to get 'hooked up' with a landowner in the eastern half of the state (particularly the northeast), as Wyoredman mentioned. Those units almost always have quite a few leftover tags, due to access issues.
Results were posted on the WGFD web page on 6/19!

My daughter and I drew Antelope:), but unsuccessful on Elk and Deer :mad:.

I guess it is general license for us this year!

Hope others received licenses for the area of their choice.

Good hunting.
Wife and I got our antelope, I hunt deer on a general tag.

Got skunked on Elk in Area 1, guess I'll try for one of the left over cow tags and go back to the Big Horns.

I can always tell if we get early snows in the Big Horns, If I get a tag, the snow comes and pushed the elk down to private lands, if I don't get tags no snow.