Headlamps and lights with switches

Does anyone know of a headlamp or similar with a remote switch? Similar to the ones that are rail mounted and have a switch near the trigger, but designed to be mounted on a head lamp?
Well... thats an interesting question! I haven't heard of anything quite to that description, wired or otherwise...

But you could consider one the of the flashlights with a remote switch (like this: http://www.amazon.com/CISNO-Tactica...4174&sr=1-6&keywords=flashlight+remote+switch) combined with a Fenix headband that holds any flashlight (like this one: http://www.amazon.com/Fenix-Flashlight-Headband-18-22mm-Diameter/dp/B001NZO85O) One easy to see downside is finding a way to run the cord from the gun up to the light, and then you are tethered to your weapon... I don't know if there is a wireless remote switch on the market, but that feels like there would be more and more to potentially go wrong (batteries, remote pointing the in wrong direction, etc)

I'll keep my eyes peeled for anything else.
I looked at a few headband mount systems, but those are considerably heavier.
For backpacking I use a Ptec Byte. Two AA batteries and about the lightest head lamp I could find. Going to have to go a little heavier with a switch, but prefer to keep it as light as possible.
Not planning to tether to the weapon.