Head to head with Brady Campaign

As I have been hanging around here and making outlandish, factless, and opinionated statements for almost 2 years now, I am sort of running out of steam. I have read so many AR v. AK threads (and made my same repetitive arguments in them) that the debate has finally lost its luster. I hvae also learned which way you turn the knobs to sight in a scope, that the 9mm doesn't have enough stopping power to stop my grandma if she has a winter coat on and that anything less than #4 buckshot will only make a robber angry.

I still check L&CR every once in a while, but that forum doesn't move much.

What to do with my workdays...
What about hanging out on the Brady campaigns forum?
Has anyone done it?
Will they just ban me for advocating a position opposed to their own?
Anyone want to tag along?
In days past the Brady forum was over run with pro RKBA people and groups. I think they reached a majority a while ago. It is like shouting a post though, completely pointless. Don't know if it is still like that now.

I suggest getting a life or playing fantasy football (maybe too late for that).
If someone's going to join a Brady Campaign forum, do you really think there's any chance of converting or convincing them?

At the least, you'll get ridiculed and banned in short order. They tend not to hold themselves to the level of civility we do.

At worst, you'll be labelled as another "whacko gun troll" and presented as "proof" that we're all somehow bad people.

(Of course, they'll do that no matter how polite and well-reasoned you are. In fact, the more well-reasoned you are, the more hostile they'll get.)
I suggest getting a life or playing fantasy football (maybe too late for that).
I have a job that is VERY slow right now b/c of the economy. Been that way for close to a year now. Unless there is a natural disaster in Ohio I am going to have a lot of free time every day for the next 3 months. And by free time I mean time to spend on a computer that can not handle graphic intensive games and has no speakers. I read a lot of news, play two online flash strategy games and waste time on facebook.

Are there other more reasonable forums where a reasonable dialogue can occur?
Are there other more reasonable forums where a reasonable dialogue can occur?

Dude this is the internet.

People are looking for other people to agree with them, not question their beliefs. Question their beliefs and they whine and cry for a mod to make the pain of thinking stop. Most people just want a sounding board where they can scream their world viewpoint at the top of their digital lungs a noise that gets lost in the ether.

I'm in a very similar boat. I've been out of work since January.

I see this side, also...
Thing about it this way, would you want them here?

...But how do I know they're not here, already, wanting to scavenge fuel for their Pointless, UnAmerican Fires? :barf:

That'd be a Multi-Faceted Adventure...PM me, let me know where You're goin'...I can see myself making a Phony Account...Lurk like a Monster Bass stalkin' a Baby Duck... :eek:
The DU boards can be an interesting mix.

A few hard-line gun-rights supporters
A few anti nutcases
One anti who just tries to twists words until only they claim to understand what's going on.
Some moderates

Any threads that get exposed to the general discussion tend to descend into shouting matches...although more than half the threads in the "guns" sub-forum do that too.

In the end, the same conversations (shouting matches) come up every few weeks, and few people actually modify their stances.
Raimius is probably right........

Me, being the way I am, I may come out more ticked off than when I went in, and that's bad for Your health... That's alot of stress.

But, I may give it a shot. I don't know. I'm not big on arguing with someone who thrives on their own INcorrectness.

Ol' Mr. Brady, hates guns because he got shot, to the best of my knowledge. That's simply fear. But Why???

I've been in several automobile accidents, but I don't hate cars and trucks.

But, again, I think I'd be willing to "Give it a Go".

Send me a PM, JohnWilliamson...Let me know what's on Your mind about the "Brady Bunch".
I really think you would have a hard time ever changing the mind of a hard case anti gunner. They have a completely different world view. I listened once to a debate festuring a lady named Rebecca Peters from a group called IANSA and she sort of echoed those who believe that with hard work and undertanding we can all just get along. She believed we should not have a society where people shoot one another. Very naive but these folk believe they can achieve such through control and hard work.:rolleyes: Can't change their minds. Just defeat them.
I really think you would have a hard time ever changing the mind of a hard case anti gunner.
Very true. You can sway people who are on the fence, and you can persuade those who are somewhat open-minded.

People frequenting a Brady Campaign board do not fit either description.

They've made up their minds, and they have serious investment in protecting their point of view at all costs. What's more, they want more than anything to impose their views upon others.

Those people will only respond with vitriol and personal attacks. It's just not worth the trouble. I know it sounds cynical, but that's the truth. Best to focus on those who can be convinced, which is the other 98.267% of the world.
IMHO, minds change with an emotionally laden incident as compared to rational risk/benefit arguments.

There are two routes to persuasion - one emotional, the other rational. This is well known. The former is way more powerful.

Someone who needed to defend themselves and was antigun might see the gun-light.

Someone who was a victim of a deranged individual with a gun might be convinced the better path is to remove guns. You might argue that they should want to be ready for the next shootout but that probably doesn't work.

It's the first emotional response that usually carried the day.
Glenn E. Meyer said:
IMHO, minds change with an emotionally laden incident as compared to rational risk/benefit arguments.

In New York City a conservative is a liberal who's been mugged.

However, in dealing with some antigun folk I have found them to believe rationally that with control and social engineering we can achieve that Roddenberry Star Trek; The Next Generation social nirvana in which guns (phasers) have no place in society (unless you are fighting the Borg).

Emotions don't seem to be their motivation (although they will use horrific events as Peters did with the Port Arthur Massacre) as much as a rather naive (IMHO) hope that in a better society we shouldn't be shooting one another.
I listened once to a debate festuring a lady named Rebecca Peters from a group called IANSA and she sort of echoed those who believe that with hard work and undertanding we can all just get along. She believed we should not have a society where people shoot one another.

I agree with, "We shouldn't have a Society where people shoot one another", but 1, there will "always" be criminals that (legally or illegally) obtain Firearms and commit crimes, regardless of regulation, and there will be those of Us that defend Ourselves from such... And 2, it never ceases to amaze me that these Anti's think that guns are only used in crimes and Self Defense. I hunt, and not near as much as I'd like to. Hunting as WAAAY beyond SD on my list of priorities/interests.

It's sad, really. "Can't we just all get along"??? Not with people like Anti's running around, apparently! :D
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I've been scrutinizing Freesteader. I've seen some entertaining discussions. Libertarians are radical supporters of 2A but they seem to welcome open discussion.
In New York City a conservative is a liberal who's been mugged.

I think it's the opposite. For a lot of people who live in cities their only direct exposure to guns is likely to be through crime, either first or secondhand. While some people who have that experience choose to be armed, others take the position of wanting to disarm the criminal. Unlike those of us who live out here in the boonies, they have no positive image of firearms to balance out the negative.
Maybe, but they are sure less inclined to "Rehabilitation" of thugs than before they were mugged.

Anyway many muggings (particularly in cities) do not involve guns rather strong armed robbery or edged weapons as the penalties for gun crime are greater so I am not sure your idea holds about negative gun exposure.
People are looking for other people to agree with them, not question their beliefs. Question their beliefs and they whine and cry for a mod to make the pain of thinking stop. Most people just want a sounding board where they can scream their world viewpoint at the top of their digital lungs a noise that gets lost in the ether.

+1 for that. Most of the time they claim to be Delta Force members or Navy Seals when they're in fact 18 year old mall ninjas too!
I think it's the opposite. For a lot of people who live in cities their only direct exposure to guns is likely to be through crime, either first or secondhand. While some people who have that experience choose to be armed, others take the position of wanting to disarm the criminal. Unlike those of us who live out here in the boonies, they have no positive image of firearms to balance out the negative.

I, am "from" the "city", of the Westbank of New Orleans, so ADB, I can "relate", but I am One of The Few. I'm a LevelHeaded American, that knows The TRUTH.

I am ALL FOR Guns and Ammo, but in the hands of AMERICANS.....Those who define the Label... or should I say....are the Definition?...........

I feel for the Anti's, in a way. I'd like to make them a Fried Shrimp PoBoy, or Grilled Grouper/Snapper/Cobia/Amberjack meal/poboy, or BackStrap, let alone any other small game (rice and gravy :D)..............

And as for my son??? He WILL know what it is to hunt, harvest, and share in the Bounty. How can these UNAmerican Anti's see through their "logic"??? I just don't get it!!! My last home was "In The Woods/Boonies", and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I'm an American. Flat Out. The Anti's can live their own little UNforfilling lives. I'm sorry....I just can't see it.
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