re: head shots
I personally take 99% of my deer and hogs by head shots. I am very comfortable with taking them out to 200 yards but i shoot year round and know what my limits are. If there is a breeze, i wont take the shot. If i cant get the game to stop, if not eating still, i want take the shot. I like to take my shot and i dont like to track nothing if you dont have to plus i believe we (hunters) do owe that to the game we take to take them as humane and ethical as possible. Each one of us knows what we can handle,don't try to overdo it or try to make a shot out of your league and wind up wounding an animal. And about the airstrip and the professionals, i've seen (professionals) and "hunters" try to take animals with heart/lung shots much less a head shot and blotch that. End up scouting the woods all day, might find it, might not, how sad... If you've ever hunted at all, yes it has happened or will i'm not saying it wont. And i've made perfect heart shots and still seen deer run 100 yds. Or so. Personally i know what i can take, if for one reason its iffy i let it go and well play the game a later date, god willing! For myself, i take head shots and see them flip, clean, ethical shot, no suffering and no tracking.... Good hunting guys/girls.