He who hesitates...

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Cousin Pat

New member
Bad guy -- "If caught, I go to jail -- no big deal to me to take out this guy.."

Good guy -- "If I'm wrong, I'll be sued... and -- should I have loaded 147gr instead of 115?"

Who wins the half second race?
The bad guy wins. In that scenario he has the drop, and the good guy is therefore already behind the curve when he starts to hesitating. Assuming the BG does the damage right off and does not miss, the good guy is gone.
It is better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6. If it is for sure a BG, take the shot. This is a pretty vague scenario, but if you are going to carry any weapon, you can't be afraid to use it. A gun is a tool for survival, not a fashion statement, unless ofcourse you are at a Texas BBQ.;)
I wouldnt be thinking about my ammo. I would be thinking about launching flying ashtrays at the BG. I would be thinking,"This guy doesnt know that I know hes a BG, I wonder what this 230 slug will do to his head?";)
Who wins the half second race?

I'll put my money on the guy who has the sense to opt for the 115 gr. (like DPX, and doesn't have second thoughts about it) rather than the anemically performing 147 gr. :D

If he's realisitc enough to opt for the more effective ammo, then he's also more likely to quickly assess the situation and to act.

OK, some of the latest 147 gr., like HST, may be good stuff. ;)
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