He finally came out!!

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New member
Yes I saw our so called president come out the other day at a news conference!
He actually came out and said that the second amendment is not absolute!
So now we really know where he stands!
My heart goes out to all the families of the victims of the latest school shooting, But leave it up to Washington's finest to turn it into a political sleigh ride!!!
They have finally came out and admitted to what their agenda is , they want to pass the same kind of gun control that Australia did!
I was asked a question the other day,it was asked because of what happened at the school in Texas, The question was,

If it would 100 percent end all school shootings and assure that my son would never be a victim? Would I give up all of my guns?

My answer was yes, If and I say IF ,it would 100percent stop allschool shootings and no more children would die.

But I also added that , that would never happen, there are to many ways that criminals would get the guns!
You know every time I hear of a school shooting, or any kind of shooting mass shooting ,It makes my heart sad. BUT I am so tired of all these dumb a^^es blaming the gun ,the very first thing, I have yet to see a firearm, pull its own trigger!

I guess since the shooter in the texas school shooting ,his legally bought rifle hypnotized that guy jumped in the truck with him and made him go and use it to kills all those lil kids!

When are people going to wake up and se that it is not a gun problem, BUT it is a very serious people problem.
Mental illness is all but swept under the rug now a days, criminals use it as a defense when on trail, and if anyone goes to the doctor, to deal with mental illness the doctors 99percent of the time prescribe pills!!
Our society is a big bunch of pill poppers, a pill for this a pill for that!

If im out of line , or wrong about the way I see things, give me hell or set me right

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