He Called My 8 Year Old "A Little Terrorist"

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Last night, my supervisor was looking at some pics I have posted all over my tool box. Most are game & "trophy" shots, some of my house, kids, dogs, snow, the mountain landscape, etc. One was a pic of an open hand-dug well at the saddle of a ridge where an old grocery store once stood near the turn of the 20th century. He obviously had never seen one before, and wanted to know how deep it was, why it was uncovered, etc.

While searching for another photo I shot down into the throat of the well, I came across a pic of my oldest son a few Christmases ago. He was around 8 then, and was proudly aiming down the barrel of his new Crickett single shot .22 Santa had brought him while standing in our living room in his pajamas. I took it out and put it on top of my box. Tags still intact on the rifle, unloaded, factory bolt lock safety engaged- I explained all this before the guy asked which kid this was. (I have two.) His next statement was, "Another little terrorist." All I could think of quickly was a quick reply: "Terrorist, Patriot, Outdoorsman, Defender of Freedom, Kid---whatever you want to call him. The sad thing is people like he and I are still willing to defend people like you!"

Has anybody ever run into a situation like this from a fellow coworker? What would your reply be? Naturally, I thought of a thousand other lines after I invited him to NOT look at my pictures any more.:mad:


Your supervisor sounds like a real loser :barf:

He is probably jealous his dad didn't treat him to a new rifle for christmas when he was 8?

I would have told him to get a life, and while he's at it, "Pull his f@#in' head in" :p

Don't take it too personally, your supervisor is just an idiot IMO :D
I'm pretty sure I'd have thrown him out of my house. Sitting here now at my laptop I'm imagining how hard it would be to stop myself from physically battering the man (and I'm not even a father yet)....:mad::mad::mad:
Your supervisor is a good example of how the anti gun crowd and press have villified gun ownership of any kind. Too many people see guns as strictly a criminal or terrorist implement. They cannot understand that they serve for protection as well as recreation (hunting, competitive shooting, plinking, etc.)
Your supervisor is a good example of how the anti gun crowd and press have villified gun ownership of any kind. Too many people see guns as strictly a criminal or terrorist implement. They cannot understand that they serve for protection as well as recreation (hunting, competitive shooting, plinking, etc.)

I agree. "Don't hate the playa, hate the game."
DingoboyX .....hit the nail on the head..the guys jealous...never had the type of relationship with his dad like you have with your son...besides he is still probably mad that the Easy Time Oven he got for Xmas when he was eight years old didn't work:D
I consider most children to be terrorists. they certainly terrorize me when they run around at the grocery store yelling at the top of their lungs.
I should have clarified that I was at work. The Super is both childless and wifeless. Wonder why? His dad and big brother were avid rabbit hunters, so I guess this is his way of retaliation? Anyway, I couldn't see any form of humor in it at all. I guess my NRA Life Member emblem shining through the glass must have caught his eye as well.;)

Terrorist has a pretty negative connotation with it nowadays. Maybe you consider all women to be W****s because all are equipped to be and lots are?

Personally, I think I'd have knocked a couple of the guys teeth out. Some things are worth more than money or a job. You was pretty nice to the guy, wonder if he knows it?
at the risk of getting an infraction (and mabey rightfully do) #$^& him!
that is the type of cowardice that is ruining this country.
I have two young sons and I am constantly battling their teachers as to what is "proper"
one teacher told my son that if I give him a punishment that hurts his feelings He doesn't have to abide by it.
IMHO we need to take a step back and teach our kids what generations before us were taught.
a7mmnut, good for you to teach your son about firearms. some of the people in this country (like your supervisor) make my blood boil with the fact they will exersice there first amendment right by taking a leak on their 2nd amendment right.
we all know the quote
"I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"
and I agree, sometimes though I would like to punch the speaker before defending his right to say it;)
sorry about the rant guys and gals, but this one gets my goat
I consider most children to be terrorists. they certainly terrorize me when they run around at the grocery store yelling at the top of their lungs.

True, if the parents don't have a clue on how to discipline and control.:o
My little 4 year-old terrorist sure had a big smile on her face at the gun club's open house when that Barrett 50 went off.:)
Pre 9/11 I used to refer to some of my nephews as terrorists, but that was in a good natured manner. Your boss's use of the term sounds derogatory.
Could it be possible you simply misheard and he said "Another little Terror" or such? We were called that all the time as kids and never took offense. We were. :D Terrorists weren't that heard of at the time though,

You were there though, I'm just theorizing.

Another thought is that "terrorist" is a word, not just a person. If he's old like some of us, "terrorist" might have a different meaning to him.

Before filing any complaints or "Getting even", take it up with him. Take a few minutes of your time, ask for a few minutes of his time in private, and explain that you feel something he said the other day was inappropriate and give him a chance to make right any mispeak he might have on his conscious etc. I'd be surprised if he holds to his original statement.

Unless you wear a skirt and a towel on your head and keep an AK-47 in your toolbox drawer, in which case he may have just been calling it how he saw it. <-- (Humor) ;)
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Go to Human Resources at your company and file a complaint. He insulted your son, your family, and the way you bring up your children, which is a condemnation of your personal life. His actions were thoughtless, hurtful, and unprofessional. His attitude clearly indicates that his prejudice can and will influence his professional interactions

For real, report it to HR. He will have to undergo some sensitivity training, I'd wager. Don't get mad. Get even
Let's see now. If I am understanding this, a guy makes an off-the-cuff tacky comment about a picture. So a number of members here think that justifies committing an assault and battery on the guy. And you folks carry guns? Come on, people, at least try to act like reasonable, responsible gun owners.
This really isn't on topic for the L&CR forum. I'd move it to the General Discussion forum, but with all the snarky remarks (whatever happened to constructive criticism?), Bud would take an instant dislike to me.

As to giving infractions... Since I'm on dial-up, it would tqke the rest of my lunch hour to give out all those that deserve it. :mad: However, if Mike or Glenn or 44 AMP read this, you may still get them. :D

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