He actually thought he would get away with it? (Atlanta)


New member
Reports say that the scumbag shooter in Atlanta (I don't even care what his name was) carjacked a van at a mall to make his escape. This makes me think he actually thought he was going to get away with it !?!
He only shot himself when he was caught.

My theory is that he got away with brazen murder a few years ago when he killed his family (with golf clubs and knives, NOT GUNS), that he actually thought he could get away with murder again.

Just a thought....makes me think about OJ...he killed his "family" a few years ago, got away with it and walking around just like this guy. The system could not get these guys and they think they are invincible.

Whaddya think?
According to Brady Law supporters, some 400,000 felons have been denied a gun purchase. About 8 have been convicted of the felony of attempting the purchase. That's about a 0.002% chance of getting punished for committing a gun-related felony...and that's with the incident clearly documented, the FBI alerted instantly, and the perpetrator clearly identified!

Of course he thought he could get away with it...IF he was caught, IF he was charged, he would likely have plea-bargained it down to a lesser charge, been slapped with a less-than-maximum sentence, and got out early on parole for "good behavior". He got away with murder before, and knew that others often do, so he figured he could do it again.

Dozens or hundreds of people were present when he performed this atrocity. Why the %#@@ wasn't _anyone_ exercising their right to be prepared to stop such an event???
I heard a talk show host bemoaning how one can 'never know when this kind of thing can happen', and 'cannot do anything about it'.

Well, perhaps technically, in terms of the initiation of violence. But, I tried to call (and couldn't get through of course) to point out that if even one individual had had a concealed weapon, this murderer might have been stopped or at least driven off. However, I'm sure the talk show host would have been way too smart to have 'fallen' for that logic. ;)
Yup, this EVIL person has hurt a at least 24 families PERSONALY and the rest of us politically. But remember that IF he had used say an alluminum(Sp) Base Ball Bat and maybe killed 4 to 6 people it would have been a 'local story' or a minor blip nationaly and as proof how about the guy in CA with the assult sedan, or the person or persons unknown in portland who have killed 4 young women in 6mo in public parks by strangulation (local only story read it from portland paper
during the NBA West Finals)

Remember if there is no gun involved it really does not matter by and large. Has any body seen a call for new Rail Road laws by the way ?

[This message has been edited by Nestor Rivera (edited July 30, 1999).]
This guy kills 5 people with edged weapons and 9 with firearms and the media treats the 5 as though they don't quite count or something.

Stayner killed 4 with a combination of his bare hands and a knife. I'm halfway surprised that the NRA wasn't blamed for this one as well.

The news media loves the dramatic story, with the SQAT team breaking down doors and using flash-bangs ala Princess Gate. John Wayne Gacy, Jeffry Dahmer, and numerous others have killed many more, but in ones and twos, and quietly.

I offer neither pay nor quarters nor provisions; I offer hunger, thirst, forced marches, battles and death. Let him who loves his country in his heart, and not his lips only, follow me.
-Giuseppe Garabaldi
No guys, he didn't plan on getting away with it. His "suicide-note/game plan" clearly stated that "I don't plan on living much longer. Just long enough to kill...those that meant to [destroy me]." This sicko had a mission, and nothing will derail people like him. (However, true citizens can abbreviate the tragedy with quick/competent forceful interruption.) No laws, lawsuits, confiscation, bans and other nonsense would've prevented this tragedy or the others. And "feel good measures" will not prevent the future rampages. People just don't see this, so we'll just have to duck-and-cover until the flames subside. And then we'll once again return to repairing our good reputations as responsible American citizens! -Kframe