HD load for Apartment in my Rem 870??

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New member
I currently live in an apartment, surrounded with other apartments above, below and to both sides of where I am at(plum in the middle). The apartment is fairly large, but if TSHTF I would not be engaging any one beyond 15 feet, at the most. I am conscious of my surroundings, and worry about serious over penetration where I am at. So, I currently have No.6 shot in my Rem 870 HD, having taken the advice of my friend who is a retired LEO. He concern, as was mine of over penetration of the 00 or 1 shot in the apartment.

Any thoughts as to the wisdom of this load in an apartment? Thanks, Mike
I wouldn't go any biger than the #6 you're using for the reason of overpenetration.

AT that short range, essentially it's going to act like one single projectile.


GOA, TSRA, LEAA, NRA, SAF and I vote!
Depends on how worried you are with being in court defending why you shot the perpetrator. If hamstrung by today's litigatory environment, then a normal "field" 20 gauge loaded with #6 that you normally use for birds or rabbits. If its a urban meltdown or TSHTF situation where litigation is secondary to survival, then a 12 gauge high-capacity pump loaded with #4 buck backed up with 00 buck. Personally, I have both. The old Mossberg 20 gauge that I used to hunt small game with since age 12 (nearly 40 years ago) AND a 12 gauge riot gun which is anything but politically correct and with which the prosecutor would clean my clock with.

What CMOS said. But you never know what will happen so I also keep slugs handy.

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