HCI's Naomi Paiss and ABC


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In this story they note statements from HCI hack Naomi Paiss.

The story states:
She says it proves that Hawaii could use another gun law, like one
Connecticut just passed. On Oct. 1, that state became the first state to
allow police and the courts to remove guns from people who present a
danger to the community.

If the suspect in the Xerox shootings was "clearly disturbed," said
Paiss, those guns the suspect reportedly owns might have been taken

No guns, no dead.

Yet earlier in the story it states:
...the suspect in the shooting rampage at a Xerox building in Honolulu
not only has a criminal record, he also
reportedly owns 17 guns.

Now here's the rub. If they didn't know he had guns, how could they take
them away? If he never registrered them, how would they know he had

Is HCI suggesting that everyone who is "clearly disturbed" should have
their door kicked in and their house ransacked on the off chance that
there "might" be a gun in there?

No guns, no dead? No car, no dead? No knives, no dead? No ball bats, no
dead? What a crock.

God spare me HCI's perfect world.

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I heard he had 18 guns - 17 legally registered, one not, so their silly-@$$ed law would probably failed to stop him. If he's as distrubed as he appears, he might have been cunning enough to hide some. I know if I lived in such a place, I sure would consider it. Up until he lost it, he appears to be law abiding - registered his guns, got his anger mangement couseling, etc. The weenies have yet to figure out that you can't legislate moraity of values, and laws don't work for crazy people. FM.