hci vs us


New member
Check out www.handguncontrol.org. You'll see what the s.o.b.'s are trying to do to us. They brag about it. They also have a sub-site: www.handguncontrol.org/press/conceal where they give "grades" to states on their ccw laws. First time I was ever glad to get an "F". (IN).
Checked the link.......

I only got a "D" (OR). Guess it could be worse. One more reason not to move :)

Looked at their main site too. Besides being a gun owner I also do web site work. First thing I noticed was all the typo's on the site. Not very professional. Also, it appears that most of what they, HCI, have on the site is *old* stuff. Some of what they quoted was, at the least, two years old. Most was much older. Guess they don't have anybody willing to give them any new quotes.

When looking at the site I tried to keep an open mind. Their thoughts on gun safety are what any resposible gun owner already does. But the stats they quote are old and IMHO way off base. Did not see much to back up what they say.

Their view on the Second Amendment was interesting to say the least. Read a good paper on the Second Amendment awhile back by someone who was an expert on the language and culture of the time. Bottom line was, the Second Amendment is confirming a right we already have. One we are *all* born with. Not giving us one we did not have before it was written.

Anyway, I sure I went beyond what you wish the topic to be about, so I'll stop here.

Thanks for the link. It was good reading.

Hey folks,

This is a democracy (OK, so it's really a republic) and I'd love to get on their mailing list. Keep the recyclers happy or use it for firestarting. Remember, it's your choice!

Gary - only problem with getting on their mailing list is that you then become one of their 'number'. Politicians ask, all the time, 'how many members do you have?'.

I founded and worked with a small, nonprofit environmental group (okay, hold on - we went out and did trail work, cleaned up trash, planted plants and so on - only hugged trees during latrine breaks ;) ). I was always being asked that question. It's a very big deal.

I'm glad to see Arizona got a D- ... will try harder next year, to fail. Glad to see the West is generally free. California is expected. I haven't a clue what's wrong in New Mexico.

ps - if you want some further aggravation, check out <A HREF="http://www.psr.org/" target="new">Physicians for Social Responsibility</A>, and, although not always filled with anti-gun groups, generally <A HREF="http://dir.yahoo.com/Society_and_Culture/Firearms/Firearms_Policy/Gun_Control/Organizations/" target="new">Yahoo's Gun Control Sites</A>. Reminds of that old saw about how it is good to know your enemy.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited 01-10-99).]