HCI touts it's latest victory....Coming to a State near you!

El Jefe

New member
I pulled this off of HCI's homepage and it makes me sick! Let this be a lesson for those of you that didn't think it could happen to you.....

For Immediate Release


Senate Enacts Four of the Strongest Gun Laws in America This Year

Governor Davis Signs New Bills to Protect Kids From Guns

California completed action on the strongest package of gun control bills ever enacted by a state in one year as Governor Gray Davis today signed two more far-reaching gun safety bills. The measures signed today will require all handguns manufactured or sold in California to meet consumer product safety standards and require every gun sold to be equipped with a state-approved child-safety lock. Last month, Gov. Davis signed the nation’s strongest ban on assault weapons and a bill limiting handgun purchases to no more than one per month to block gun trafficking.
“California hit a grand slam against gun violence this year,” said Luis Tolley, Western Director of Handgun Control. “These are four of the strongest gun control laws ever enacted in America. We hope that Congress and other states will follow California’s example and pass sensible measures to keep deadly weapons out of the hands of criminals and kids. Voting parents are sick and tired of gun violence threatening our kids and our communities.”

The handgun safety standards bill signed today, SB 15 by Senator Richard Polanco, will create one of the toughest handgun safety testing requirements in the country. All handgun models sold by gun dealers would have to be tested by independent laboratories certified by the state. The tests include dropping the handgun six times to make sure it does not fire inappropriately and firing 600 rounds to make sure it does not jam, misfire or break apart. Only handguns that pass the tests and are approved by the state could be manufactured or sold.

The child-safety lock bills, AB 106 by Assemblyman Jack Scott and SB 130 by Senator Tom Hayden, will create the nation’s first standards and testing program for gun locks and require that all guns sold in the state after December 31, 2001 be equipped with a state-approved child-safety lock.

Earlier this year, Gov. Davis signed SB 23, the nation’s toughest ban on assault weapons and rapid-fire ammunition magazines and AB 202, a measure that limited handgun buyers to no more than one handgun purchase per month.

California’s Grand Slam:

Establish strict safety standards and testing for all handguns manufactured or sold in the state.
Ban the sale of all assault weapons and rapid-fire ammunition magazines that hold over 10 rounds.
Prohibit the purchase of more than one handgun per month in order to stop gun trafficking.
Require that all guns sold in the state be equipped with a state-approved child-safety lock.

Handgun Control, chaired by Sarah Brady, is the nation’s largest citizens’ gun control lobbying organization. Based in Washington, DC, HCI works to enact stronger federal, state and local gun control laws, but does not seek to ban handguns. Founded in 1974, HCI has more than 400,000 members nationwide and works with local groups around the country to enact and protect reasonable gun control laws. More information about HCI and its affiliated organization, the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence, can be found on our website at www.handguncontrol

We must stop the insanity....

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

..."The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it." --Thomas Jefferson

Take care and God Bless, El Jefe
Hate to throw my Kalifornian Brethren to the Wolves, but there a miniscule plus side: The rest of us get to demonstrate just how effective this law is in decreasing "gun violence".

Still, I'd prefer the lynching.
Rich Lucibella
While some are gathering the ropes.......Robert chimes in with his 2 cents worth.

Its a sad, sad day indeed for lawfull gun owners in California. Hopefully it isn't an indication of what will happen to the rest of the country. But I still say that comments like "we need a good old Fashion Lynching!!" do not help our cause. Now before Kimber Man gets any more upset, let me say that I share his disgust at the politicians in CA and at anti gunners in general. But by coming accross as radical "lets lynch 'em all" gun owners we do ourselfs a major dis-service. Those fence sitters that are watching these boards have just been shown that we are radical, maybe even a touch crazy when we make those comments. I couldn't tell by the context of the quote if it was toungue in cheek or not. And probably others couldn't either. So lets win this fight not by getting emotional (And Hell yes, the Constitution is a VERY emotional subject!!), lets win this fight by being calm, reasonable, cool, collective and smooth. That way we prove that we aren't a bunch of radical nuts (hey they can't read our minds.......yet anyway;-).

Then if that doesn't work lets at least make sure its a strong rope ;-)



It's amazing what a large group of stupid people can accomplish.
Hey Rich, were here at the same time. Technology.....it never fails to amaze me. First, Thanks for running such a great board. I'm a crossover from AR15.com. If people could read my mind it wouldn't be pretty, and I know that I would be near the top of any "Radical Gun Owner Nut List". But I've learned to be more moderate in what I say, especially to those who I know do not believe as I do. You know the old addage about catching more fly's with honey.

Take Care,


It's amazing what a large group of stupid people can accomplish.
I point out dZ's post on "gun control grades" elsewhere in this forum....

To whit...Calif got a high HCI grade for passing laws...even though 628 kids died vs. Vermont that got an extremely low grade, with a correspondingly low child death rate.

Calif can pass all the laws it wants and the death toll keeps climbing...In CA a nutbar can kill all he sees because no one else can take him out. I feel soooooo safe and secure.

I also point out Sen Tom Hayden...an ex-Chicago 7 and co-founder of SDS back in the '60's and ex-hubby of Jane Fonda....a backdoor sucking commie if there ever was one

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
DC; Am I correct in concluding that you have a fairly low opinion of that fellow formerly married to Hanoi Jane???

If so: "Bless you, my child".

Better days to be,

Thought that I would take a walk on the wild side and see what other disinformation was out there, You guys really have to check out this websight it is the Center to control Handgun violences site, talk about a disinformation campaign that is nuts. The way they Misconstrue the Second Amendment is enough to push even the most lethargic of Gun advocates to the brink... Check out this site and see what I mean.....http://www.handguncontrol.org/myth.html it will turn your stomach....

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

..."The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it." --Thomas Jefferson

Take care and God Bless, El Jefe
On the subject of "Hanoi Jane", a friend told me that Henry Fonda had two children. One is Peter Fonda and the other is Fonda Peter. Probably doesnt have a lot to do with guns...

Better days to be,

"Fonda Peter"?

I thought her name was "Ima Slut"

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
What the hell is a 'rapid fire ammunition magazine'? Did the new 10 round mags have some feature that slowed the rate of fire? If so mine were not so equiped, it shoots just as fast now as it did before. Sickening when people pass laws about things that they know nothing about. I wish they would just ban guns in Ca. and confiscate them all. That is the day that I become a criminal and prey on all of those sheep that voted out their right to protection.

They won't....cowards never go to the edge

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Has anyone thought about filing suit against HCI in Federal Court in that distrct in Texas where we received the landmark ruling about the 2d Ammendment being an individual right.

I seem to recall other interst groups suing in Federal Court for similar things involving other rights.

I'd kick in some money, it'd be nice to counterattack for once and it is illegal to conspire to deprive a person of their constitutional rights,

I've been to HCI's site, and I swore never to go back cause it made me want to toss my monitor out the window.

I've been talking to friends of mine that want to move out to california, and I, too, want to go. But I keep telling them that I can't. As far as I know, I would become a felon as soon as I crossed the state line. My evil M1A with 20 rd mag, my 2 pistols with hi cap mags, and other "assault" weapons are not allowed to be brought in, right? And if they are ok to bring in, I have read that it would be difficult to get a CCW-especially since my friends want to live near LA.

It absolutely infuriates me that since I beleive in the 2nd amendment I can not easily relocate myself to another sate in the Union. My friends all say it's "my choice" to own guns, so I have to live with that. ??? But isn't it supposed to be everyone's choice? Aren't we a FREE country?

Screw it, I'm going to Arizona. It's better for my asthma there anyway. :)

I hate laws that make me a criminal without me even knowing it.
Connecticut is the "Constitution" State
Here is the result of voting for representatives who believe THEY know better than YOU how to run your life.

It IS as simple as your collective voting record.

Change the voting record - one individual at a time.

Vote for a change!
Vote Libertarian!
>Earlier this year, Gov. Davis signed SB 23, the nation’s toughest ban on assault weapons and rapid-fire ammunition magazines <

rapid-fire ammunition magazines

What, exactly, the F*** are these?

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
I would like to see the gun and ammo manufacturers, en masse, refuse to sell another weapon or round in that communist state to anyone, and that includes every police department. Those liberal pukes have signed away the rights of citizens and deserve to have no protection at all when the gangbangers light them up. Waiting for "them" to come for your guns? They already have in the land of the fruits and nuts---and gun owners mount petition drives. Just like the prevailing weather blows frome West to East, so too will this gun grab. War has been declared on the BOR and all American gun owners. Incrementally HCI and others will chip away until there is nothing left but a well armed police state that controls your every movement. God help us.
Trooper,I was thinking the same thing. Don't sell guns or ammo to them and THEN let the s*&t hit the fan when they'll be crying for it! We,the gun owners,HAVE to mount a retaliatory strike against this or there won't be anything to fight for soon. I like the idea also of the lawsuit against HCI. Hell,they been fightin tooth and nail,filing lawsuits all over the place. Time to FIGHT BACK!!