HCI & Rosie are starting a media campaign


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From: http://www.usnewswire.com/topnews/Current_Releases/0916-171.htm

HCI Launches TV Ad Campaign with Help from Celebrity Moms

U.S. Newswire

16 Sep 22:13

Handgun Control Launches New TV Ad Campaign with Help from Celebrity


To: National Desk, Media Reporter

Contact: Handgun Control Inc. Web site: www.handguncontrol.org

WASHINGTON, Sept. 16 /U.S. Newswire/ -- As Congress returns to resolve

the fate of the gun control measures it debated last spring, Handgun

Control will debut the first of a series of television ads targeted to

the overwhelming number of American parents who support stricter

regulation of firearms.

The 30-second ad, 'Too Many,' which will initially run on cable public

affairs programming in nine swing-vote markets and in Washington, D.C.,

recalls the Littleton, Jonesboro and Granada Hills shootings and appeals

to viewers to ask Congress to keep firearms out of the hands of children

and criminals. Rosie O'Donnell and Susan Sarandon, two highly-respected

entertainment celebrities, contributed voice-overs to the ads.

"It's very simple -- guns and kids don't mix," O'Donnell said. "For me,

gun control is essential to ensuring the safety and well-being of our


"When the issue of kids' safety is at stake, there is no choice. We, the

adults, the guardians of our nation's children, have the responsibility

to protect them from gun violence. We owe our children our best efforts

to keep them safe."

Although Congress may vote on the current legislative package before

the end of September, Handgun Control plans to inform and energize the

public debate through the 2000 elections and beyond. Additional TV ads,

which will feature voiceovers from other celebrity moms including --

Bette Midler, Mia Farrow, and Reba McIntyre are planned for later this

autumn. Those ads will tell the stories of real children who have been

lost to the American gun violence epidemic, and will appeal to parents

to become active supporters of Handgun Control.

"We are grateful to our prominent friends in the entertainment community

for joining us in this effort," said Handgun Control chair Sarah Brady.

"The fight for safer kids will not be over even if Congress does the

right thing now and closes the most obvious loopholes that allow kids

and criminals to get guns."

"The American public is fed up with mass shootings, fed up with the

political stalemate and fed up with the politics of intimidation

practiced by the NRA. It's time for concerned citizens to make their

voices heard. By going to the airwaves we intend to build the kind of

grassroots network that can bring about real change, and make the future

safer for our kids and our communities."

- ------

Handgun Control, chaired by Sarah Brady, is the nation's largest

citizens' gun control lobbying organization. Based in Washington, DC,

HCI works to enact stronger federal, state and local gun control laws,

but does not seek to ban handguns. Founded in 1974, HCI has

more than 400,000 members nationwide and works with local groups around

the country to enact and protect reasonable gun control laws.

More information about HCI and its affiliated organization, the Center

to Prevent Handgun Violence, can be found on our website at

will you stand with me in DC on 10-2-99?
"The fight for safer kids will not be over ..."

Does Sarah now mean that my child, as born in unsafe? And I thought they were hoping to have "safer guns"! Now it's safer kids? Are they changing their name to Child Control, Inc?

Hmmm...Come to think of it, that might be an organization with a focus floser to the real problem...
Who do these people think they are - telling ME what is best for My kids?

These people need a spanking and be put in time out.

"There is no limit to stupidity. Space itself is said to be bounded by its own curvature, but stupidity continues beyond infinity."
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>"The fight for safer kids will not be over even if Congress does the right thing now and closes the most obvious loopholes that allow kids and criminals to get guns."[/quote]

gee what does that mean...



doc Zox

will you stand with me in DC on 10-2-99?
Why of course George, the government knows best. They must be the ones responsible since so many of us "Gun Nutz" obviously don't care about our kids' or other kids' safety.

You know the old saying "Hi, I'm with the government and I'm here to help you"

Remember in all we do consider that its (everyone chant it with me) "for the children"

I'm not sure why, but recently it seems like the RKBA fight is like pi**ing against the wind.



It's amazing what a large group of stupid people can accomplish.